IPB University Vocational School is Ready to Encourage Lecturers to Create 17 Leading Study Program Innovations

IPB University Vocational School is Ready to Encourage Lecturers to Create 17 Leading Study Program Innovations

Sekolah Vokasi IPB University Siap Dorong Dosen Lahirkan 17 Inovasi Unggulan Program Studi

The Dean of the IPB University Vocational School, Dr Aceng Hidayat, said he was ready to encourage the teaching team at the Vocational School to be able to produce 17 superior study program innovations in the next two years.

This was conveyed in the Workshop on Preparing Guidelines for Applied Research Criteria, with the theme Applied Research and Technology-Based Innovation in the Era of Society 5.0 which was held on Tuesday, 10/10 at the IPB International Convention Center, Bogor.

“We want each study program to have superior research that reflects its characteristics. “Lecturers as researchers must make the campus a place for trial and error, a place for testing innovation, or what we often emphasize as a living laboratory,” said Dr Aceng.

He continued, the development of the living laboratory is aimed at making the campus environment a forum for testing research results that are being developed by the teaching team at the Vocational School. The trial was carried out to ensure that every research result that will be published can have a direct impact on society and has guaranteed quality standards.

“The research can later take the form of business prospects or business plans, prototypes, and product development models aimed at the community,” he said.

He added that by setting this target, it is hoped that the IPB University Vocational School teaching team can increase the publication of journal research results with the aim of making more contributions to society.

“Publication is a medium for conveying our ideas to be refined by other parties, as well as providing a number of challenges for researchers so that they can improve the quality of education,” he concluded (GBD/ASW/Lp) (IAAS/MFR)