IPB University Students Take Design and Business Training for Craft and Fashion Products

IPB University Students Take Design and Business Training for Craft and Fashion Products

Mahasiswa IPB University Ikuti Pelatihan Desain dan Bisnis untuk Produk Kerajinan dan Fashion

In order to develop student creativity, especially in the arts, the Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM), Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema), IPB University held Design and Business Training for Craft and Fashion Products at AMG Connect FEMA, IPB Dramaga Campus, Bogor.

This training is a soft skills grant activity which can later be claimed for the Enrichment Course (EC). Participants in this training are undergraduate students from Jabodetabek who are interested in the world of art.

Dr Ninuk Purnaningsih as the chairman of the organizer revealed that the output of this soft skills grant program can produce a product that is shown at the exhibition as a final assignment and later this training can be recognized as 2 semester credit units (SKS) in one of the EC courses.

“Design and business training activities start from how participants draw and paint as basic product design skills, create a business model canvas (BMC) for their own brand with the appropriate target market to exhibiting their brand at the final meeting of the training,” said Dr Ninuk.

The resource person and trainer for this activity was Ayu Ginarani, who is the founder and CEO of Hana Aisha, a business that focuses on watercolor creation in modest fashion.

“Every meeting attended by participants is related to each other, so if there are participants who are not present, then the participants must study the material that was not attended. “This activity is the beginning of developing participants’ creativity,” she said.

She continued, it is hoped that participants’ interest in developing talents and interests in art can give rise to an entrepreneurial spirit, so that after graduating students are able to create their own businesses and collaborate with various related parties in the business world. (*/Lp) (IAAS/Res)