IPB University Students’ Innovation for the Future of Correctional Students

IPB University Students’ Innovation for the Future of Correctional Students

Inovasi Mahasiswa IPB University untuk Masa Depan Anak Didik Pemasyarakatan
Student Insight EN

Four IPB University students initiated a future orientation programme for children in the Special Development Institute for Children (LPKA) Class II Jakarta. This programme aims to shape the future orientation of fishpreneurship-based Correctional Students (Andikpas) in the formation of human resources (HR) through Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) education. This initiative involves the steps of thinking, empathising, acting which are implemented in LPKA Class II Jakarta.

Wirayudha Erlangga Prayoga, team leader, explained that the programme is called Save The Andikpas. As the name implies, he said, the programme was held with the intention of protecting the educational rights of Andikpas during their time in LPKA.

“This is expected to help Andikpas in forming a future orientation so that in the future they can have skills and not repeat their mistakes,” said Wirayudha Erlangga Prayoga, an IPB University student from the Department of Mathematics.

He also explained that they are invited to gain an understanding of the meaning of life, key principles, and develop skills in overcoming challenges. Thus, they can form a more positive personality and future.

The Student Creativity Programme (PKM) team for Community Service, Save The consists of Tendri Sahlah Aurina, Tita Putri Redytadevi and Reihan Randyka under the guidance of Dr Yusalina. The programme was implemented offline from 27 July to 30 September 2023.

Wirayudha Erlangga revealed that TVET-based skills education focuses on learning approaches that pay attention to clear goals, objectives and competencies. The approach applied is also able to support the fourth Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to quality education. He said that you can still access education that is free, equal, and leads to future orientation even though you are in LPKA Class II Jakarta.

“The TVET education method with a focus on fishpreneurship implemented at LPKA Class II Jakarta, is expected to receive full support and can be adopted by LPKA Class II Jakarta to improve the abilities of the Andikpas during the coaching period and after they return to become better individuals,” he said.

Wira also mentioned that children involved in criminal offences in the age range of 14-18 years have the same rights and future potential as other children as heirs to the nation’s ideals.

The implementation of the programme socialisation and pre-test activities in the context of community service was supported by the LPKA Class II Jakarta supervisor.

“As a partner in the Save The Andikpas programme, we as coaches will play an active role in supporting the successful implementation of this service project. Our commitment lies in developing a comprehensive skills education system to create better human resources,” said Eka as Chief of the Education and Community Guidance Sub-Section of LPKA Class II Jakarta.

He continued, the TVET education approach that we apply is based on the concept of fishprenuership, with the aim of preparing you to have aquaculture skills for future orientation.

In his speech, Eka said that this activity is very good to be implemented because it will help the supervisor to optimise LPKA’s land resources for the skills education process.  (IAAS/RUM)