IPB University Signs Collaboration with Kompas Gramedia

IPB University Signs Collaboration with Kompas Gramedia

IPB University Tandatangani Kerja Sama dengan Kompas Gramedia

IPB University and PT Kompas Gramedia agreed to collaborate regarding the implementation of the tridharma of higher education and the implementation of innovation. The signing of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) was carried out by the Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration and Alumni Relations, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar together with the Corporate Human Resource (HR) Director of PT Gramedia, Sigit Suyatno.

“Hearing the name Kompas Gramedia, of course we are very familiar because every day we probably read and have visited bookstores, seeing the various kinds of products produced by Kompas Gramedia in a more real way,” said Prof Iskandar in his speech in the Academic Senate Room, IPB Campus. Dramaga on Tuesday (10/10).

He explained that later this collaboration would also be carried out with the IPB University Leadership and Executive Education Institute (LKPE). He hopes that this collaboration can be followed up and utilized for continuous improvement of both institutions.

Corporate HR Director of PT Gramedia, Sigit Suyatno, said that this collaboration was not the first time this collaboration had been carried out with IPB University. “We want to collaborate more on the micro-credential program. “There are similarities between IPB University and Kompas Gramedia, namely to participate in educating the nation through communication media,” he said.

He revealed that Kompas Gramedia now has a higher education institution, namely Multimedia Nusantara University. This campus is prepared not only for internal needs, but also to develop the nation’s competence in the multimedia field.

“We want to have a digital learning platform that is quite capable and we have built cognisi.id which can be used by the public. “We want to change the learning system from conventional to digital by providing self-assessment, coaching and counseling content developed for the wider community,” said Sigit.

He hopes that this collaboration can run well, providing benefits not only for Kompas Gramedia and IPB University but also the wider community and a form of contribution to the progress of the nation, state and surrounding region. (Lp/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)