IPB University Postgraduate School Receives Visit from Kuwaiti Delegation, Discusses Cooperation in Development of the Aquaculture Sector

IPB University Postgraduate School Receives Visit from Kuwaiti Delegation, Discusses Cooperation in Development of the Aquaculture Sector

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Terima Kunjungan Delegasi Kuwait, Bahas Kerja Sama Pengembangan Sektor Akuakultur

Dean of the Postgraduate School (SPs) IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat received a visit from a delegation from Kuwait, Malek AA Ali and Yousif SM Alsanea as well as Barkah Tri Basuki and Hamiman S from PT Banglele Indonesia Maju. The visit was related to cooperation in developing the aquaculture sector.

Prof Dodik welcomed the delegation to the IPB Future Museum and Gallery, Dramaga Campus. He started the meeting by explaining the history of the founding of IPB University from time to time, as well as showing several collections and information in the museum.

He hopes that this meeting can create collaboration to further introduce Indonesian aquaculture technology. Apart from that, exports of Indonesian aquaculture products could increase. This collaboration can also further promote IPB University’s innovative products which have been produced from collaboration with various industries.

“With collaboration with industry, IPB University products can be found in many markets, including supermarkets. “Apart from that, IPB University collaborates with many domestic and foreign institutions for research and community service activities,” he explained

Meanwhile, Barkah Tri Basuki, Director of PT Banglele Indonesia Maju, explained that his visit to IPB University was in the context of a survey and exploring collaboration in developing the aquaculture sector in Kuwait. Prior to that, his team had also coordinated with the two Kuwaiti delegations. One aspect of cooperation is related to the development of vaname shrimp cultivation and other marine culture commodities.

“Currently, PT Banglele Indonesia Maju as a consultant in the field of aquaculture, we not only collaborate with partners from Kuwait, but also with clients from several countries such as Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Pakistan and Guyana,” he explained.

The Kuwaiti delegation had the opportunity to write down their vision and mission in one of the mini theaters of the IPB Future Museum and Gallery. The Dean of SPs IPB University also invited the Kuwaiti delegation to enjoy various typical Sundanese and West Javanese foods and take part in welcoming activities for students of the Developing Countries Partnership scholarship program. (HBL/Rz). (IAAS/MFR)