IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Socialization of Administration Services for Doctoral and Masters Program Students

IPB University Postgraduate School Holds Socialization of Administration Services for Doctoral and Masters Program Students

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Adakan Sosialisasi Pelayanan Administrasi Mahasiswa Program Doktor dan Magister

IPB University’s Postgraduate School (SPs) held an outreach in order to improve and synchronize administrative services for doctoral and master’s program students. The activity took place at the Arch Hotel Padjadjaran, Bogor (13/10).

Prof. Agus Buono, Deputy Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic and Student Affairs, said in his speech that there are 20 Standard Operational Procedures (POB) at SPs IPB University. One of these POBs regulates the requirements for students to change study programs (prodi).

In these regulations it is explained that students who want to change studies must meet the requirements, namely have active student status, have completed studies in their original study program for at least 1 semester and a maximum of 2 semesters (masters) and 3 semesters (doctoral), and have a minimum cumulative achievement index (GPA) of 2.75 (masters) and 3.00 (doctoral).

“The study period for students who change study programs is calculated from the initial study program when they enter postgraduate studies, not when they enter a new study program,” he said.

Prof Agus Buono added several mechanisms for submitting student services via the website. New student admission services are via halo.admisi.ipb.ac.id, while academic services are via helpcenter.ipb.ac.id. As for submitting research results seminars, final exams, promotion trials and also active certificates, students can submit via jasapasca.ipb.ac.id.

“There are several services for which applications can be made at the faculty, namely study leave, research permits, submission of qualification exams and commission hearings and employee performance targets for students on study assignments. “Students can also submit a letter of reactivation after leave, a letter of recommendation, a letter of supervisor’s decision and a letter of recommendation for extension of study assignments,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Director of Educational Administration at IPB University, Dr. Utami Dyah Syafitri, said that recognition of courses outside IPB University can be done for students who take student mobility (student exchange) activities at other universities, both within and outside the country.

“Equalization of courses outside IPB University can be done for students who take student mobility activities at other universities, both within and outside the country. “This equalization can be done if the learning outcomes of the course (CPMK) are equivalent to the courses at IPB University,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/SND)