IPB University Faculty of Agriculture Gives Award to President Director of PTPN III

Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University, Prof Suryo Wiyono gave appreciation and appreciation to Dr Mohammad Abdul Ghani, Main Director of PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) III. This award was given for his concern for the world of higher education, especially for Faperta IPB University.
This concern was realized in the form of a grant for the construction of a Mini Palm Oil Processing Research Laboratory (LR-PKS) at the IPB Jonggol Palm Oil Education and Research Plantation (KPPS). “KPPS Jonggol is intended for educational activities such as course practicums, internships and research for multi-level students. “Every year, this place serves more than 200 students to conduct research,” said Prof Suryo.
Apart from regular education and research activities, KPPS Jonggol also received visits from students from the IPB University Summer Course program who came from Japan, Thailand and a number of countries in Europe. This facility is also the object of visits by researchers from various countries such as Mexico, Belgium and Japan.
“Currently, joint research is being explored with researchers from Wageningen University and Research (WUR) regarding the use of waste for biogas,” added Prof Suryo.
He further said that the Jonggol KPPS management concept would develop a circular palm oil economy. All plant products will be processed into valuable products, including waste will be processed into products of high economic value. Currently, palm oil productivity at KPPS Jonggol averages 20 tons of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) per hectare. In other words, FFB production per year can reach 1,200 tons.
“Alhamdulillah, IPB University’s wish or ambition to have a Mini LR-PKS can now be realized with financial assistance from PTPN III. “With this lab, students will not only learn about the on-farm, but also the processing,” he said.
Dr Mohammad Ghani said that with the presence of LR-PKS Mini in Jonggol, the skills of IPB University graduates could improve, so that they would be ready to work in the palm oil industry, including within PTPN III.
“Regarding the LR-PKS Mini program, the government will build a Mini PKS on 1,000 hectares of smallholder oil palm plantations for processing red cooking oil. “This oil contains high beta carotene which can also prevent stunting,” said this alumnus of IPB University Agronomy class 17.
The awards and appreciation event was held at the Toyib Hadiwijaya Auditorium (18/10) during the Wednesday Event with Faperta IPB University. The activity was attended by the chairman of the faculty senate, deputy dean, department chairmans, lecturers and student representatives within the Faperta IPB University environment. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)