IPB Press Launches Integrity Book at IIBF 2023  

IPB Press Launches Integrity Book at IIBF 2023  

IPB Press Luncurkan Buku Integrity di IIBF 2023

IPB University publisher, IPB Press, launched a book entitled “Integrity: A Core Value for A Great Success” at the International Indonesia Book Fair 2023 ICE BSD City, Tangerang, Banten, Thursday (28/9). The book, written by Dr Naufal Mahfudz, Chair of the Business, Investment and Waqf Management Agency (BP Biswaf) of IPB University, was published in bilingual, namely English and Indonesian.

“The publication of this book is based on the fact that there are still not many books published by IPB Press in English and can be cooperated with international publishers,” Director of IPB Press, Erick Wahyudyono, said.

The book, he said, was a record of Dr Naufal’s long experience as a management practitioner which was assembled into articles and opinions which were partly published in several mass media. These articles and opinions were then compiled and bound into a book.

Dr Naufal is currently also trusted as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of PT Bogor Life Science and Technology (BLST) Holding Company IPB University. He previously served as Director of General and Human Resources (HR) of BP Jamsostek and Director of HR, Technology and General Affairs of Antara National News Agency.

The nine short and concise but easily digestible writing titles in this book were summarized in a few sentences at the end of this book by Dr Naufal as follows “Integrity is a currency that is acceptable and exchangeable in all parts of the world, and its value is always fixed from time to time. We no longer need to exchange it at money changers. We can use this currency of integrity to conduct all transactions of our lives wherever we are. People with integrity will gain trust from others.”

In his remarks, Vice Rector of IPB University for Resource and Infrastructure Resilience, Dr Alim Setiawan Slamet said, “Integrity is one word, one deed. What is talked about, will be the same as what is done. Integrity is formed gradually and continuously improved. It starts from habit.”

Zaim Uchrowi, a senior journalist who is currently the Chairman of the Pancasila Character Foundation stated, “The element of success is not only in terms of material, but the main thing is happiness. Happiness that is not a momentary pleasure, but eternal happiness in the world and the hereafter.”

“This book is extraordinary because it is not just knowledge but also the author’s journey. Integrity will lead us to true success. Therefore, read seriously and scrutinize the contents of the book,” he exclaimed.

The book launch at Lobby Stage Hall 1 ICE BSD City was attended by more than a hundred people from various circles and regions. Director of IPB Press, Erick Wahyudyono who also acted as moderator summarized the results of the discussion of the two speakers.

“According to the quote in the book entitled “Integrity”,  integrity is acceptable,  exchangeable  and valued currency that applies in all parts of the world and its value is always fixed from time to time. This means that integrity does not need a ‘money changer’ and is irreplaceable. The challenge as a publisher when launching this book is: This book is about ‘one sentence goals’. One word, one deed. Lately, news about corruption incidents have become daily consumption. We hope this book will inspire people to contribute to the country,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/SHY)