Implementation of Kedaireka, Department of PSP IPB University Socializes ‘SAGARA’, Seawater Power Battery to Palabuhanratu Fishermen  

Implementation of Kedaireka, Department of PSP IPB University Socializes ‘SAGARA’, Seawater Power Battery to Palabuhanratu Fishermen  

Implementasi Kedaireka, Departemen PSP IPB University Sosialisasi ‘SAGARA’, Baterai Tenaga Air Laut ke Nelayan Palabuhanratu

The Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) developed seawater battery technology and fish attractant lights in Palabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi, West Java. This activity is an implementation of the Kedaireka 2023 Matching Fund program.

The technology is called SAGARA ‘Seawater Energy Utilization for Coastal Community’. This technology will be combined with an automation system to increase the ease of operation. SAGARA is also equipped with a powerbank-like device for electrical energy storage.

The research team for this project included Sugeng Hari Wisudo, Prof Mohammad Imron, Dr Firdaus Basbeth and Shidiq Lanang Prasetiyo, SPi MSi. While the team from partners are Ir Benno Kunto Pradekso, MSc and Oktanto Dedi Winarko, ST MEng and from expert is Prof Mulyono.

“This technology utilizes seawater as a power source to turn on the fish lure lamp on the bagan fishing gear. This innovation is expected to be a solution to the dependence of fishermen on fuel oil (BBM) for the operational activities of bagan fisheries,” said Dr Sugeng Hari Wisudo as the team leader of the Kedaireka program.

“Hopefully, the training and testing of seawater batteries in Palabuhanratu can provide a new view for the community that besides fuel, energy can also be obtained from seawater,” he continued.

Based on trials conducted on Friday (22/9), the six battery cells tested functioned as expected and were able to light two types of lamp colors simultaneously for 2-3 hours. Palabuhanratu bagan fishermen also had the opportunity to participate in training on making seawater batteries, so that they can independently operate the device.

In addition, Dr Sugeng mentioned, this technology will later be equipped with a storage system for the power generated from the seawater battery. Fish attractant lights are also under development so that the color of the light can be adjusted using a remote control.

“The seawater battery research is planned to be conducted in two places, in Palabuhanratu Bay, Sukabumi and Karangantu, Serang Banten. It is expected that by December 2023, this technology with SAGARA renewable energy will be ready to be used by fishermen,” he hoped. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ANF)