Himagreto IPB University and Panti Goceng Introduce Climate Change Issues at Darushsholihat Orphanage

Himagreto IPB University and Panti Goceng Introduce Climate Change Issues at Darushsholihat Orphanage

Himagreto IPB University dan Panti Goceng Kenalkan Isu Perubahan Iklim di Panti Asuhan Darushsholihat
Student Insight EN

The Agrometeorology Student Association (Himagreto) of the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology (GFM), Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IPB University together with the Panti Goceng Community initiated the program Cerdas Edukasi Ramah Iklim bersama Adik Panti Asuhan (CERIA). This activity is a renewal of the Indonesia Climate Student Forum (ICSF) activities carried out at Darushsholihat Orphanage, Bogor City.

This program consists of three main activities: CERIA Teaching, CERIA Berkarya, and SEHAT (Nutrition Balance with Darushsholihat). CERIA Teaching is a simple learning activity about weather and climate and how to protect the environment for children. The CERIA Berkarya program is a good practice of waste management that is transformed into work to mitigate climate change.

“The CERIA Mengajar program applies the mentoring method which is followed enthusiastically by the orphanage children. In addition, this program is also filled with storytelling activities with the theme ‘Beware of Bad Weather’. Hopefully, with storytelling activities, the material will be more fun and easy to understand,” said Wahyuni, one of the organizers of the activity.

Meanwhile, she continued, the workmanship in CERIA Berkarya was in the form of making piggy banks, pencil cases, and flower pots. All of these works are made from used plastic bottles.

Wahyuni revealed that this activity is expected to provide knowledge for the orphanage children in dealing with the adverse effects of climate change. Thus, they can minimize it through climate change mitigation adaptation actions.

“I appreciate the enthusiasm of the Darushsholihat orphanage children in participating in this activity. Hopefully, children can understand the dangers of climate change impacts and know how to take simple climate change mitigation adaptation actions, one of which is by recycling unused waste,” said Wahyuni.

Furthermore, according to Siti, a representative of the orphanage, said that this activity was very useful for children. She hopes that this activity can be a provision for children facing the adverse effects of climate change.

“This kind of learning is very useful for our children. Hopefully, they will know what climate change is and how to deal with it. Once again we represent the orphanage to thank you for the arrival of IPB University students to Darusholihat Orphanage,” said Siti. (Spt/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)