Fema IPB University Engages in Cooperation with FISIP Unri

Fema IPB University Engages in Cooperation with FISIP Unri

Fema IPB University Lakukan Kerja Sama dengan FISIP Unri

The Faculty of Human Ecology (Fema) at IPB University has entered into a collaboration with the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at the University of Riau (Unri). The signing of the collaboration agreement took place in the Dean’s Office of FISIP at the University of Riau, Pekanbaru, on Friday (20/10).

This agreement encompasses various areas of collaboration, including student exchange, teaching, joint research and community service, development of educational programs, as well as scientific and cultural activities.

The collaboration agreement was signed by Dr Meyzi Heriyanto, Dean of FISIP Unri, along with Dr Anna Fatchiya, Chair of the Department of Communication Science and Community Development (SKPM), representing the Dean of Fema at IPB University, accompanied by Dr Dyah Retna Puspita, a lecturer in the Department of SKPM.

“Collaborating with FISIP Unri is a significant step in our efforts to expand our network of collaborations with high-quality universities throughout Indonesia. We hope to leverage the expertise and resources available to achieve positive results,” said Dr Anna Fatchiya.

Dean of FISIP Unri, Dr Meyzi Heriyanto expressed, “We are very enthusiastic about this collaboration and believe it will bring great benefits to both institutions. This is the right step to enhance the quality of education, research, and community service in the fields of social sciences and human ecology.”

In a separate statement, Dean of Fema IPB University, Dr Sofyan Sjaf said he supports this collaboration to enhance networking in the areas of education, research, and community service.

“Fema IPB University is strengthening its collaborations with both domestic and international universities. This collaboration is essential to improve the quality of education, research, and community service together,” he added.

Also present from Unri were Dr Saiman (Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Collaboration), Dr Auradian Marta (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs), Dr Mayarni (Vice Dean for General Affairs and Finance), and Dr Hesti Asriwandari (Coordinator of the Sociology Master’s Program). (*/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)