Examining the Role of Impostor Syndrome on Waqf Behavior, IPB University Students Interview BWI Experts

The IPB University Student Creativity Program Team for Social Humanities Research (PKM-RSH) consisting of Siti Aliyah Rhomadonah, Muhammad Rizki Abdurrahman, Muhamad Dodi Bokasa, Ihsan Hidayat, and Mardhiyah Khoirunnisa conducted a substantial scientific interview with Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik as Chair of the Center for Research and Digital Transformation (PKTD) of the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI). The five students were supervised by Dr Alla Asmara, lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University.
Siti Aliyah Rhomadonah, PKM-RSH team leader, said that this interview was an integral part of supporting their research data. The aim of this research is to analyse the increase in waqf behaviour based on ecological, social and economic aspects of the influence of impostor syndrome in aspects of religiosity on the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve in IPB University students.
In an ongoing interview, Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik explained the potential of waqf in supporting education, health, the economy and various other social sectors. Apart from that, he also revealed that waqf not only provides direct benefits for recipients, but also has a positive impact on the psychological well-being of the waqif (people who are waqf).
“Waqf is a strategic way for psychological therapy by sharing,” added the Sharia Economics Expert at IPB University.
Aliyah added, “This interview has provided a deep understanding for our team and has become a core pillar in developing research data analysis results. “Apart from that, it is hoped that this research can be a starting point for a series of follow-up actions to increase student awareness and participation in waqf which has significant implications in providing social and economic benefits to society,” she said.
Impostor syndrome is a psychological condition where a person feels unsure of their own abilities. Despite having adequate achievements and qualifications, a person suffering from this syndrome will feel like an ‘impostor’ or ‘fraud’ and doubt their own abilities and success. Meanwhile, the Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve is a concept that describes the pattern of decline in a person’s memory for information over time. (*/Rz) (IAAS/AMR).