Directorate of Collaboration of IPB University Holds Partner Gathering Event

Directorate of Collaboration of IPB University Holds Partner Gathering Event

Direktorat Kerjasama IPB University Adakan Acara Temu Mitra

The Directorate of Collaboration of IPB University held a Meet the Partner event at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor, (2/10). This activity aims to strengthen collaboration between IPB, industry, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to create a sustainable and mutually beneficial cooperation ecosystem.

This workshop was presented by the Secretary-General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker) RI, Dr Anwar Sanusi; Director of Compliance and Risk Management of PT Asuransi Jiwa Tugu Mandiri; Edi Yoga Prasetyo and Rector of Al-Azhar University Indonesia, Prof Asep Saefuddin as resource persons.

Vice-Rector of IPB University for Research, Innovation, and Agromaritime Development, Prof Ernan Rustiadi said, this activity was a series of events of the 60th Anniversary of IPB University. He explained the main focus of IPB University is in three fields: agriculture, maritime, and tropical biosciences, according to the mandate of the government.

“For these three fields, thank God the reputation of IPB University is recognized by the world for agriculture and forestry into the world’s top 100. In Asia, IPB University ranks eighth, and in Southeast Asia ranks first. This shows that the previous leaders until now can maintain the mandate of IPB University to be the best, “said Prof Ernan.

Prof Ernan hopes that IPB University can have an impact on the wider community. According to him, IPB University is committed to always maintaining good relations with partners who have been working with IPB University. “For that, we appreciate the cooperation that has been formed,” he said.

In addition, he said 6.1 percent of villages in Indonesia had received the touch of IPB University, and undoubtedly continued to grow. IPB University will always be close to villages, farmers, and communities. Therefore, said Prof Ernan, input from partners is important.

Vice-Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Collaboration, and Alumni Relations, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar explained that IPB University received golden awards for industrial, international, and national cooperation among 10 state universities of legal entities (PTN-BH). According to him, the achievement was proof of IPB University’s seriousness in establishing and maintaining good cooperation with partners.

“Of course, this does not make us feel satisfied, because we must continue to improve. We must continue to think about the ecosystem as an entry point for IPB University’s partners,” explained Prof Iskandar.

On the same occasion, the Director of Collaboration of IPB University, Dr Jaenal Effendi said that this activity was needed to build a good collaboration ecosystem with partners. “This year is the first year for IPB University to start the ecosystem concept,” he said. (Ns/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)