Concerned about Intellectual Property, IPB University Students Seriously Follow the Training and Assistance in Drafting Patent Documents  

Concerned about Intellectual Property, IPB University Students Seriously Follow the Training and Assistance in Drafting Patent Documents  

Peduli Intellectual Property, Mahasiswa IPB University Serius Ikuti Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Penyusunan Dokumen Paten

“Nowadays, IPB University students are increasingly concerned about intellectual property,” said Prof Erika B Laconi, Chairperson of the Institute of Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University, in the training and assistance program for the preparation of patent documents. The event was held for two days (9-10/10) at Technosnet Building, IPB Baranangsiang Campus, Bogor.

She said that LKST IPB University will facilitate protecting the intellectual property of the students. This includes the 25 students who this year received funding for the Student Creativity Program (PKM) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek).

“By taking care of intellectual property, this can protect copyrights so that other people cannot take them or steal them. The participants who take part in this training and guidance can register their PKM products by including their supervisors. Thus, more students will get protection for their work,” said Prof Erika.

According to her, PKM is authentic evidence—a student creation that can bring benefits to society. Therefore, he emphasized that it must be protected by intellectual property rights.

Dr Yuni Puji Hastuti, Assistant for Management and Commercialization of Intellectual Property, LKST IPB University, said this training is a new breakthrough. This is because the training and mentoring of students for the preparation of patent documents is the first time this has been done.

“Protection of IP is important. This is an opportunity for students to make the most of it. In fact, only a few universities in Indonesia have done this,” she said.

Dr Yuni further said that patents recognized in Indonesia include ordinary patents and simple patents. If someone is going to make a patent description, she must make an invention, provide an idea, and provide a solution to a problem.

Meanwhile, Prof. Dwi Guntoro, Assistant for Innovation Development shared knowledge related to various components that can be claimed as copyright. For example, in one mobile phone product, many components can be registered for copyright, such as brands, designs, models, camera modules, and machines. (dh/Rz) (IAAS/MZS)