BEM KM IPB University and LPDP Awardees of IPB University Graduate School Hold a Social Project to Prevent Stunting in Benteng Village, Bogor

BEM KM IPB University and LPDP Awardees of IPB University Graduate School Hold a Social Project to Prevent Stunting in Benteng Village, Bogor

BEM KM IPB University dan Awardee LPDP Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Gelar Proyek Sosial Pencegahan Stunting di Desa Benteng, Bogor

The Student Executive Board of the Student Family (BEM KM) and the Awardee of the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held a joint social project related to stunting prevention. The program called Being People and Awardee Mengabdi (Beople X Abdi) 2023, carries the theme ‘Empower Good Health for The Next Generation of Superior National’.

Packed with socialization and demonstration of functional food processing, the event was attended by 31 participants consisting of pregnant women and those with toddlers. The event was held in Gunung Leutik Village, Benteng Village, Bogor Regency.

The speakers were Dr Anton Apriyantono, Minister of Agriculture of the United Indonesia Cabinet for the period 2004-2009, and Dr Tin Herawati, Chairperson of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (IKK), Faculty of Human Ecology (FEMA) IPB University. The socialization was also attended by representatives of PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk and Yayasan Perintis Pendidik Nusa.

Muhammad Akhyarus Sholih, Vice President of BEM KM IPB University said that the Beople X Abdi 2023 activity was one of the student obligations stated in the tri dharma of higher education, namely community service.

“The issue of stunting which is still a national problem needs to be followed up immediately in a real way to solve and prevent it. This activity also presents various parties to be jointly involved in sustainable community development,” he said.

Setiadi M Noor, Vice Coordinator of Awardee LPDP SPs IPB University explained that Beople X Abdi activities began with a door-to-door survey to record pregnant women and those with babies under two years old. Furthermore, activities in the form of socialization and demonstration of functional food processing.

“The surrounding community is very enthusiastic and has the willingness and awareness of the importance of parenting and nutritional intake for optimal child development,” he explained.

Ario Ilham, chairman of the committee, hopes that this activity will be able to change the perspective of parents in terms of children’s health and parenting knowledge so that children’s development can be better. “This activity can be the first step for the surrounding community to care about the development of optimal parenting,” he said.

He added that stunting is a common problem caused by poor nutritional intake. Paying attention to nutrition starting from the pregnancy preparation period, pregnancy, breastfeeding period of breast milk (ASI), and complementary foods (MPASI) in infants before the age of two is something that must be a common concern in efforts to overcome the problem of stunting.

“A healthy generation will certainly be a milestone in the progress of a nation’s civilization in the future. Therefore, the government, academics, and the community must work together to improve the quality of human resources through education related to parenting and nutritious food intake, especially to prevent stunting problems,” he added.

Meanwhile, Arfan Damari, Chairman of the Perintis Pendidik Nusa Foundation, hopes that the application of knowledge about nutrition and stunting can be better in the community of Benteng Village, Bogor. According to him, the importance of nutrition and the threat of stunting in children can be implemented with the application of knowledge in everyday life.

“We would like to thank IPB University students who have carried out this activity. Hopefully, it will be a good deed for all parties involved,” he said. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/TNY)