A Russian Soil Science Professor’s Visit to the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources of IPB University

A Russian Soil Science Professor’s Visit to the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources of IPB University

Kunjungan Profesor Ilmu Tanah Rusia ke Departemen Ilmu Tanah dan Sumberdaya Lahan IPB University

In order to strengthen the relationship between soil science researchers, the Department of Soil Science and Land Resources (DITSL) received a visit from Professor Ivan Vasenev as Head of the Department of Ecology, Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow. The visit was held on Friday, 20/10.

Chair of the Department of ITSL IPB University, Dr Dyah Retno Panuju, welcomed Prof Vasenev to the DITSL discussion room before giving a public lecture to faculty and students at DITSL on automation in land management, especially in black soils.

The discussion was guided by the Chairman of the Soil Chemistry and Fertility Division, Dr Syaiful Anwar. “Limited discussions were held in the DITSL discussion room to discuss opportunities for cooperation in education (guest lectures) and research,” said Dr Syaiful.

This idea was also welcomed by Dr Elvira from the University of Indonesia as a means to further strengthen the network of national and Asia Pacific soil science researchers. The discussion was also attended by the department secretary, Dr Sri Malahayati Yusuf and DITSL’s young peatland researcher, Dr Wahyu Iskandar.