Welcoming International Competency Certification, IPB University and ITC Certiport Hold Training of Trainers

Welcoming International Competency Certification, IPB University and ITC Certiport Hold Training of Trainers

Sambut Sertifikasi Kompetensi Internasional, IPB University dan ITC Certiport Selenggarakan Training of Trainers

IPB University’s Leadership and Executive Education Institute (LKPE) collaborates with the International Test Center (ITC) Certiport to hold Training of Trainers (ToT). Prospective trainers who were trained on this occasion to support competency certification in the program: IC3 Digital Literacy, Project Management Institute (PMI), Entrepreneurship for Small Business (ESB), Communication Skills for Business (CSB), IT Specialist and Microsoft for Educators (MCE ).

Prof Arief Daryanto, Chairman of LKPE IPB University said, “Microcredentials are important to increase the competitiveness of students and human resources (HR) of IPB University. “It is hoped that further collaboration will be established between IPB University and ITC Certiport,” said Prof Arief.

In his presentation, Toni Arbiyanto as Director of the ITC Leadership Center Certiport explained that ITC is the Certiport certification license holder in Indonesia. The man who is usually called Arbi conveyed the importance of digital literacy as a fundamental skill that everyone must have today. The message to all participants, discover and learn something new every day.

“Competency certification has various roles, including recognition that participants have adequate skills and abilities and comply with established work standards. “Proof of written recognition of the competencies mastered ensures that the certificate holder’s credibility is guaranteed in carrying out work that is their duty and responsibility,” he concluded.

Dr Pria Sembada as Vice Chairman of LKPE IPB University in the field of Certification and Competency conveyed several objectives of competency certification for the IPB University extended family, including increasing credibility which can show that a person’s competency has been evaluated and approved by a third party.

“A competency certificate can be proof that someone has certain skills and is able to show that they have officially recognized qualifications and expertise. “Competency certification also helps maintain the quality of a person’s work,” he said.

Moreover, the certification process involves training, development, tests and assessments. This ensures a person meets certain standards in their field. “Through this activity, it is hoped that it can support career development and contribute to the achievement of IPB University’s main performance indicators (IKU),” said Dr Pria.

Based on this, he continued, collaboration with ITC, especially regarding international certification carried out through Certiport (Pearson Vue Business) plays a crucial role in achieving the objectives of competency certification. He hopes that in the long term this program can contribute greatly to achieving the goal of competency certification for the IPB University family. (WB/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)