Through Jelajah IPB, Faculty of Forestry and Environment Showcases Various Innovations to Students throughout Indonesia

IPB University opened its doors warmly to receive high school students from all over Indonesia in the event ‘Jelajah IPB’. This event aims to provide a deeper understanding of IPB University and its various study programs, departments, and faculties/schools. In this ‘Jelajah IPB, the Faculty of Forestry and Environment (Fahutan) IPB University, with four different departments, exhibited various innovations and a wealth of knowledge.
The Department of Forest Management showcased their initiatives in forest safety through an educational board game named ‘The Felling Safety Edugame’. The game is designed to provide a better understanding of safety practices in forest management. In addition, they also introduced the Journal of Tropical Forest Management (JMHT), which is a platform for students and researchers to share research results and thoughts on tropical forest management.
The Department of Forestry Products presents a variety of innovative products produced from forest resources. These included products such as eco-friendly cutting boards, composite products made from lignocellulosic materials other than wood, and non-timber forest products such as gondorukem cat’s eye resin, honey, copal, and essential or aromatic oils. They also exhibited miniature termites and samples of termite-infested wood, as well as a 3-dimensional wood puzzle that tested brainpower.
In addition to these products, the Department of Forestry Product also distributed some merchandise, such as drinking tumblers and resin necklaces. This merchandise is a real example of creative non-timber forest products made by IPB University students.
The Department of Conservation of Forest and Ecotourism provided an understanding of the importance of maintaining biodiversity and utilizing environmental services. They highlighted the role of the younger generation in protecting the environment and exploring the potential of ecotourism.
Finally, the Department of Silviculture showcased various materials from their laboratories, including various herbarium collections covering flora and fauna in the forest. The Silviculture Department also introduced a variety of seeds, seedballs, seed cakes, seed cookies, and an understanding of tissue culture as well as DNA extraction.
Dr Noor Farikhah Haneda, Vice Dean of Fahutan IPB University in the field of Academic and Student Affairs, said, “The Jelajah event is one of the promotional events of IPB University, especially study programs to capture the interest of high school students to enter IPB University. Hopefully, with this event, Fahutan IPB University will get the best students,” she said. (IAAS/MZS)