The Mayor of Bogor Attends the Opening of ISCoNREM 2023 Study Programme of Master of PSL Graduate School IPB University

The Mayor of Bogor Attends the Opening of ISCoNREM 2023 Study Programme of Master of PSL Graduate School IPB University

Walikota Bogor Hadiri Pembukaan ISCoNREM 2023 Prodi Magister PSL Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University

The Study Programme of Master of Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science (PSL) of the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University held The 2nd International Summer Course Natural Resources and Environmental Management Science (ISCoNREM 2023) with the theme Cultural and Traditional Knowledge Based for Environmental Management. The activity took place in the Rose Room, IPB Baranangsiang Campus (10-17/9).

The participants of ISCoNREM 2023 came from IPB University and Gorontalo State University. Not only from within the country, this activity was also attended by a number of universities in the Philippines such as the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, Central Luzon State University, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Tarlac Agricultural University and Silliman University.

Dr Bima Arya Sugiarto, Mayor of Bogor in the opening of ISCoNREM 2023 warmly welcomed the participants. He said that Bogor City has an identity as a historical city. Bogor used to be the centre of the Pajajaran Kingdom, the largest kingdom in the archipelago about 5 centuries ago.

“Bogor City is currently known as one of the green cities. We have Bogor Botanical Gardens, the Presidential Palace which is a speciality in itself. Participants can learn about the culture and traditions in Bogor City, such as in Mulyaharja Village, Chinatown Heritage and others,” he said.

In addition to these privileges, Bima continued, Bogor City has several areas that are a symbol of diversity. One of them is the Chinatown area located on Jalan Suryakencana. “Several activities in Bogor City such as the Cap Go Meh Festival, the Merah Putih Festival have been carried out as part of the identity of the historical city in Bogor City,” he added.

Meanwhile, Prof Arif Satria, Rector of IPB University explained, the theme of ISCoNREM 2023 was in accordance with current conditions, where local wisdom could be understood as a way of life of a society based on the teachings, ideology and philosophy of life of a culture. He hopes that cultural values and local wisdom both in Indonesia and in other countries can be applied by participants as the basis for managing natural resources and the environment.

“As reflected in daily life, local wisdom is also reflected in people’s knowledge and practices in utilising and maintaining the environment. So, the environmental movement based on local wisdom or religion is very important in motivating people to address environmental issues,” he said.

Dean of SPs IPB University, Prof Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat added, this year’s ISCoNREM can improve research collaboration, academic reputation and also the internationalisation of IPB University. He expected this activity to be a forum for exchanging information and knowledge from various disciplines between experts from various countries in a broad sense. In addition, it can also create networks and further research collaboration in an effort to find solutions to environmental management problems.

“ISCoNREM is an event to encourage young researchers to conduct independent research in their home countries in the future. The goal is for participants to understand how cultural values and local wisdom, both in Indonesia and in other countries, can be applied as a foundation in managing natural resources and the environment,” he added. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)