The Institution for Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University Supports the Optimization of the Implementation of 17 Matching Fund Teams Through Internal Monev

The Institution for Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University Supports the Optimization of the Implementation of 17 Matching Fund Teams Through Internal Monev

LKST IPB University Dukung Optimalisasi Pelaksanaan 17 Tim Matching Fund Melalui Monev Internal

The Institution for Science and Technology Area (LKST) IPB University conducted Internal Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) of Matching Fund 2023 Program for Kedai Reka. This activity was held in the Ballroom of the Startup Center Building, Taman Kencana, Bogor. The event was attended by 14 Kedai Reka program teams with various interesting innovations.

In her speech, Prof Erika B. Laconi, Chairperson of LKST IPB University, conveyed that the main purpose of this activity is to support innovators in implementing the program so that it is in accordance with the planning and timeline that has been set. She hopes that all funding provided can be absorbed optimally to ensure that the programs run according to applicable regulations.

“This internal M&E is carried out with the aim of knowing the progress and achievements of each Kedai Reka program team,” she said.

She continued, the assessment team consisting of lecturers and industry practitioners will see the extent of the project progress that has been implemented by each team. In addition, they will also provide input and suggestions for further program development.

Prof Erika said, this Monev activity is very important in ensuring the success of the IPB University Matching Fund program. With regular evaluations, it is expected that each team can improve and optimize their projects in order to achieve maximum results.

“LKST IPB University is committed to continuing to support innovators and the development of innovative programs in various circles. Through the Matching Fund program and various other activities, IPB University seeks to help realize creative ideas and support the growth of entrepreneurship of many parties,” said Prof Erika B Laconi. (IAAS/MKY)