Supporting Livestock Transformation, IPB UNiversity Students Give Counselling and Technical Guidance on KUB Chicken in Benteng Village

Supporting Livestock Transformation, IPB UNiversity Students Give Counselling and Technical Guidance on KUB Chicken in Benteng Village

Dukung Transformasi Peternakan, Mahasiswa IPB UNiversity Beri Penyuluhan dan Bimbingan Teknis Ayam KUB di Desa Benteng
Student Insight EN

The Student Organisation Capacity Strengthening Program Team (PPK Ormawa) of the Student Representative Council of the Faculty of Economics and Management (DPM FEM) of IPB University held extension and technical guidance on the maintenance of Balitbangtan Superior Village Chicken (KUB) which took place at TPQ An-Najah, Benteng Village, Bogor, West Java. This activity is a concrete step in supporting KUB chicken breeding and holistic livestock transformation through the School of Animal Husbandry (Sepekan).

“Sepekan is one of the literacy corners initiated by the PPK Ormawa DPM FEM IPB University team for farmers for upskilling, reskilling and new skilling through the cultivation of Balitbangtan Superior Village Chicken (KUB). This programme is expected to have a positive impact on regional economic resilience,” said Muhamad Dodi Bokasa, team representative.

According to Dodi, the team representative of PPK Ormawa DPM FEM IPB University said, the prospect of KUB chicken agribusiness has quite revolutionary potential. This is because KUB chicken has a specific demand and market share.

The counselling and technical guidance was attended by the Head of RT 4, Taruna Tani Group and the local community. In addition, a lecturer from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Fapet) IPB University, Lanjarsih, SPt, MM, participated as a resource person.

On that occasion, Lanjarsih provided science and technology diffusion on feed nutrition, livestock ethology and business feasibility analysis of KUB chicken production. She also shared insights related to the advantages of KUB chicken cultivation.

“KUB chickens have significant growth. At the age of 10 weeks, chickens can weigh up to 1kg, while native chickens can only reach 1kg at the age of 12 weeks. In addition, KUB chickens can produce as many as 180 eggs/year, while native chickens only produce 146 eggs/year,” he said during the presentation session.

Ramdan, the president of the Taruna Tani Group, said, “We are happy and grateful for the presence of the Sepekan programme in Benteng Village. So far, we have faced various challenges in raising KUB chickens without having a clear understanding. However, through this activity we have gained a better view of how to overcome these problems,” he said. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)