Students and Lecturers of the Department of Community Nutrition, FEMA IPB University Participate in International Activities at Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) Portugal

Students and Lecturers of the Department of Community Nutrition, FEMA IPB University Participate in International Activities at Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) Portugal

Students and Lecturers of the Department of Community Nutrition, FEMA IPB University Participate in International Activities at Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) Portugal

The Erasmus + SPIRIT Project (Sport and physical education as a vehicle for Inclusion and Recognition in India, Indonesia and Sri Lanka) held its third activity in Europe, namely at the Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) Portugal on September 11-15, 2023, after previously at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Spain on May 8-15, 2022 and the University of Nicosia Cyprus on May 22-26, 2023. Students and lecturers from the Department of Community Nutrition FEMA IPB university participated in the activity with funding from Erasmus Plus European Union.

The activity with the theme “Inspiring Inclusion in Sports: Success Stories, Practical Skills, and Management Strategies” was attended by 8 universities from 3 Asian countries, namely Indonesia, India and Sri Lanka, and 3 European universities as mentors/coaches. According to Prof. Dr. Ir. Sri Anna Marliyati, MSi (lecturer at the Department of Community Nutrition) as the Coordinator of the IPB SPIRIT Team, “this activity provides insight into the development and progress achieved by sports through the word “Inclusion”, which includes all levels of society, both the general public or those who have disabilities, and women with gender differences”. The activity was held at the Faculdade de Motricidade Humana (FMH), Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa) Portugal with the coordinator being Mrs. Ana Pipio. “This SPIRIT activity is also fully supported by the Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Cooperation and Alumni, Prof. Dr. Ir. Iskandar Z. Siregar, she explained.

The SPIRIT activity in Lisbon began with a presentation session on the topic “Inclusion in High Performance Sports” with speakers from Portugal’s national coach for canoe for disability (paracanoe) Ivo Quendera and international championship medalist paralympic athlete Norberto Mourau (age 42 years). “This session was very stunning and inspired and provided insight for the participants, including 3 undergraduate students of the Department of Community Nutrition (Maulidhani Sekar Maharani, Daffa Dwi Faza Mahardhika and Assyifa Zhafira Mahmudin) as well as myself. With good cooperation from the coaching team (including nutritionists and psychologists), making a paralympic athlete achieve world class, said Prof. Anna (Wednesday, September 20, 2023).

In addition to the presentation on “Inclusion” for athletes with disabilities, other interesting materials were also presented such as “Gender inclusion through sports”, “Organization and management of various sports events”, and “traditional sports and regional games”. All participants participated in Korfball (such as basketball) with male and female players in one team, as well as learning and trying Canoe in Setubal.

On the last day of the activity, all students were given the opportunity to present their impressions and messages during the SPIRIT activity in Lisbon in the ‘Student premium time’ event. This is a special activity for students to express their understanding of the SPIRIT project, as well as the benefits obtained from this activity, so it is hoped that in the future students can bring their knowledge and experience to be disseminated to students and other young generations to do and develop sports, especially to be healthy and avoid non-communicable diseases (NCDs), she concluded.

This SPIRIT project activity is an activity designed for 3 years (2021-2023), but due to the constraints of the Covid Pandemic in 2021, the activity will be extended until the middle of next year. Through various activities in each partner university in 3 Asian countries, it is hoped that the implementation of sports and physical activities will continue to grow, through inclusion in various circles of society.