Prof Hefni Effendi Presents Draft Environmental Study Standards to Environmental Office Staff from All Over Sulawesi

Prof Hefni Effendi Presents Draft Environmental Study Standards to Environmental Office Staff from All Over Sulawesi

Prof Hefni Effendi Paparkan Draf Standar Kajian Lingkungan kepada Para Staf Dinas Lingkungan Hidup se-Sulawesi

IPB University expert from the Department of Aquatic Resources Management (MSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK), Prof Hefni Effendi, along with a team from University Diponegoro (Undip) and Gadjah Mada University (UGM), presented a draft of environmental study standards to the staff of the Environmental Office from all over Sulawesi in Manado.

Prof Hefni Effendi, who has collaborated extensively with the national and multinational government and private sectors in environmental management, together with Dr Enan M Adiwilaga, a retired MSP Department faculty member from IPB University who also has significant experience in environmental management, were entrusted by the Directorate of Environmental Impact Assessment for Business and Activities (PDLUK) at the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) of the Republic of Indonesia to develop standards for studies related to the oil and gas sector.

These study standards are also related to addenda to the Environmental Impact Analysis (Amdal), Environmental Management Plan (RKL), Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL), and the integration of technical approvals (pertek) into environmental approvals. The preparation of these standards was also assisted by Mursalin Aan MSi, a practitioner in environmental and technical approvals.

“In order to streamline the environmental approval process for a variety of businesses/activities conducted in our country, the KLHK is facilitating the development of environmental study standards as one of the implementations of the Job Creation Law (UU Cipta Kerja) related to environmental management,” said Prof Hefni.

Several study standards related to the preparation of environmental management documents are regulated in Government Regulation (PP) No 22 of 2021 on the Implementation and Management of the Environment; Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation (PerMenLHK) No 4 of 2021 on the List of Businesses and/or Activities Required to Have an Environmental Impact Assessment (Amdal), Efforts for Environmental Management-Efforts for Environmental Monitoring (UKL-UPL), or Statements of Capability for Environmental Management and Monitoring; and PerMenLHK No 5 of 2021 on the Procedures for Issuing Technical Approvals and Operational Eligibility Letters for the Environmental Pollution Control Sector.

“The development of these environmental study standards involves the Indonesian Environmental Study Center (BKPSL) cooperation agency. Fourteen standards are currently being developed by representatives from various universities. The draft study results will be reviewed by the Environmental Offices from various regions in Indonesia, as well as input from various related sectors,” added Professor Hefni.

Furthermore, he stated that the 14 draft study standards will be discussed in meetings by the BKPSL drafting team and subsequently presented to PDLUK and finalized by KLHK.

In addition, a series of activities to gather input on Standard Procedure Norms and Criteria (NSPK) have been and will be carried out sequentially in Manado, Balikpapan, Yogyakarta, Batam, Surabaya, and Pekanbaru. Professor Hefni explained that the representation of these regions is intended to obtain a diversity of issues faced by each Environmental Office in carrying out their tasks and functions in overseeing environmental management in their respective regions. (*/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)