Prof Arif Satria, Creating Legacy and History Through Songs

Prof Arif Satria, Creating Legacy and History Through Songs

Prof Arif Satria, Ciptakan Legacy dan Sejarah Lewat Lagu

The Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria said, legacy and new history can be done through songs. Works created as a form of contribution to the future. This was conveyed by him in the Motivational Concert IPB University ’12 Years of Arif Satria’s Work’ which was held at Grha Widya Wisuda, Campus IPB Dramaga, Bogor (17/9).

Prof Arif Satria said, the lyrics of the songs presented in this concert were a reminder that life must be meaningful. He advised, a person must have meaning and meaning in life, determined to leave a new legacy and history by creating a broader dimension of usefulness. Simply put, a meaningful life is one that continues to spread benefits to others.

“Giving meaning and significance in life can make us a person who is beneficial to others. This is a principle and a gift in life that we must be grateful for by giving the best steps,” he said.

For example, Prof Arif continued, in the song ‘Kusadari’. This song was created while in the hospital when he was exposed to COVID-19. According to him, at that time it became a momentum for reflection about life.

“The most important thing is to shine the mind and clear the heart by understanding God’s decision with positive prejudice. Positive prejudice must be accompanied by optimism,” he said.

On the other hand, the song ‘Mahasiswa’ that Prof Arif created in 2011 is a form and way of communication towards students. “The message learned from this song is that students can make a new history. New history can be created if we have work, knowledge and a spirit of dedication,” he said.

Meanwhile, the song ‘Kampus Terbaik’ is part of optimism and a vision of the future in order to make new history. According to him, everyone can actualize new history by adapting to life and always thinking positively about the future.

“The songs I create are expected to bring positive messages and optimism to make us the best. My message to students is that the mind and heart must be combined. Between knowledge and the spirit of devotion must be united. That is our asset to make a new history,” he concluded. (dr/Rz) (IAAS/ANF)