PPK Ormawa Team of BEM FEM IPB University Socialization of PHBS to Students of SDN Cihideung Ilir 06

PPK Ormawa Team of BEM FEM IPB University Socialization of PHBS to Students of SDN Cihideung Ilir 06

Tim PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University Sosialisasi PHBS Kepada Siswa SDN Cihideung Ilir 06

IPB University students who are members of the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) team of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Management (BEM FEM) carried out the socialization of Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) to dozens of students of SDN Cihideung Ilir 06, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency.

This activity was carried out in order to support the creation of the third point of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the school environment, namely ensuring a healthy life and improving the welfare of all residents of all ages. This socialization is one of a series of activities of the PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University team, called the Smart Health Care Literacy Corner (Cepat).

“Before the activity began, the organizing team invited the students to sing the PHBS jingle together. Then, followed by introductions and giving pre-tests to assess students’ knowledge related to PHBS, SDGs and little doctors,” said Syifa Humairah, a BEM FEM IPB University student representative.

In addition, she continued, in this socialization IPB University students delivered material related to the definition, urgency and points of SDGs, indicators of PHBS, knowledge of School Health Units (UKS) and the duties of little doctors. The material was delivered by representatives of the Sports Department of BEM FEM IPB University.

“The purpose of the socialization is so that students can understand and implement PHBS which is one of the supporters of the creation of the third SDGs point,” she added.

After the material was delivered, the implementation team again gave a post test to the students to assess their knowledge after the delivery of the material. At the end of the activity, the implementation team gave rewards to students who were active and could answer quizzes, singing and playing together to build good internalization.

IPB University students also delivered socialization of Village SDGs and PHBS to members of the Cihideung Ilir Village Posyandu consisting of 27 mothers and children. The activity was titled Cerdas Tanggap Sehat (Prevent) which was also attended by Volunteer Sahabat Desa and the Internal Management Bureau of BEM FEM IPB University.

“Each target group was given a poster introducing SDGs and PHBS to increase their understanding, especially related to the third point of the Village SDGs, namely healthy and prosperous villages. This is so that after the socialization is delivered, the community can apply it in their daily lives to support the creation of the Village SDGs,” said Puput Melly Guseinnova, the person in charge of the Prevent program. (*/Rz) (IAAS/ANF)