PKSPL IPB University Organizes International Conference on Integrated Coastal Management and Marine Biotechnology

PKSPL IPB University Organizes International Conference on Integrated Coastal Management and Marine Biotechnology

PKSPL IPB University Selenggarakan Konferensi Internasional Pengelolaan Pesisir Terpadu dan Bioteknologi Kelautan

Center for Coastal and Marine Resources Studies (PKSPL) IPB University, organized an international conference on Integrated Coastal Management and Marine Biotechnology in Bali, 12-13/9. This activity is in collaboration with GEF/UNDP/PEMSEA Arafura and Timor Seas Ecosystem Action Phase 2 (ATSEA-2), Archipelagic and Islands States (AIS) Forum and The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria in his speech said that IPB University is committed to continue to produce quality research and contribute to efforts to build community resilience and resources at the national and global levels. He said, this conference is one form of IPB University’s commitment in realizing sustainable resource management.

“IPB University continues to strive to create innovations and useful works in advancing agro maritime, especially in Indonesia,” said Prof Arif Satria.

Meanwhile, Prof Yonvitner, Chairman of PKSPL IPB University said, Indonesia’s coasts and seas today have great challenges ranging from waste, mangrove degradation, fish depletion, illegal fishing and others. Therefore, he said, this conference is expected to be a pool for good learning to overcome coastal and marine problems.

“The role of the academic and research world is important to provide innovative solutions to today’s coastal and marine problems,” he said.

Prof Yonvitner explained, this international conference was the fourth conference after being successfully held three times at IPB University, Bogor. IPB University has also successfully organized the International World Seafood Congress in Malaysia. In addition to the success in organizing conferences, the above events have produced hundreds of scientific publications that can become learning materials for the public regarding approaches and innovations related to coastal and marine resource management and the application of the blue economy in the future.

Dr Areta Aprilia, representing UNDP Indonesia, stated that the blue economy is estimated to have a potential value of US$ 6 trillion per year and continues to grow rapidly. She explained that one of the contributing factors is the increasing demand for seafood products.

“It is estimated that the demand for seafood will increase by 50 percent by 2050. This means we must find new ways to sustain the resource and meet the growing demand while addressing the challenges of the blue economy, namely climate change, water pollution and overfishing,” she said.

Dr Vivi Yulaswati, Vice for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resource, Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas explained, globally, Indonesia’s challenges will be greater where there will be increased competition for resources. In addition, climate change has the potential to cause great damage. Economic paradigm shift and blue economy are new strategies as pillars of growth that will transform Indonesia into one of the strong maritime-based countries.

La Budza, as a representative of DAAD Jakarta, invites and welcomes any parties who wish to establish research cooperation with the German government. Especially for those who share the same vision to implement sustainable resource utilization practices. (IAAS/SHY)