Norad and FEM IPB University Hold International Gender Workshop to Increase the Number of Female Professors

Norad and FEM IPB University Hold International Gender Workshop to Increase the Number of Female Professors

Norad dan FEM IPB University Adakan Lokakarya Gender Internasional untuk Meningkatkan Jumlah Guru Besar Perempuan

Faculty of Economics and Management (FEM) IPB University organized a gender workshop at ICCC Bogor. 29/8. The workshop was part of the 2nd ECOGIV Annual Meeting organized by FEM IPB University.

ECOGIV is an international collaboration on Ecosystem-based Coastal Marine Resource Management in Ghana, Indonesia, and Vietnam. The collaboration aims to develop high-level Marine Resource Economics competencies for Southern partner universities at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana; IPB University, Indonesia; and Nha Trang University (NTU), Vietnam funded by the Norwegian Development Cooperation Agency (Norad).

The workshop was a sharing session on the achievements and challenges of women professors. Opened by the Vice-Rector for Global Connectivity, Cooperation, and Alumni of IPB University, the workshop was filled with sharing sessions, group discussions, and award announcements.

In his speech, Prof Iskandar Z. Siregar, IPB University’s Vice-Rector for Global Connectivity, Collaboration, and Alumni Relations, mentioned that the gender workshop was an important activity, not only to achieve SDG number 5, namely “gender equality” in higher education. However, he said, it was also a comprehensive sharing session between north-south countries related to increasing the career of female lecturers to become professors, including discussing obstacles and challenges.

He explained that until 2023, IPB University has 1,332 lecturers; 45 percent of them are women. IPB University has 294 professors, but only 30 percent are female professors.

Dr Irfan Syauqi Beik, Dean of FEM IPB University added that until now FEM has 135 lecturers, of which 68 lecturers (50 percent) are women. However, FEM IPB University still only has 1 female professor.

In the discussion session, Prof Claire Armstrong from the Arctic University of Norway (UiT) and Associated Prof. Quach Thi Khanh Ngoc from Nha Trang University, Vietnam (NTU) presented the path to professorship: reflections from female professors in Norway and Vietnam. Furthermore, Prof Endang Warsiki from IPB University presented the same topic for the case at IPB University including the Review of Women Professors.

At the end of the workshop, IPB University’s ECOGIV coordinator, Prof Akhmad Fauzi, noted that the ECOGIV project has a strong gender focus. Both from the large number of female participants in Northern and Southern universities and the teaching and research topics. Then, he announced that Norad, through ECOGIV, awarded three female lecturers of FEM IPB University to achieve full professorship. (/ra) (IAAS/TNY)