MBKM Collaboration, Students Involved in Research on Bio Ecology and Conservation of Sentarum Langurs

MBKM Collaboration, Students Involved in Research on Bio Ecology and Conservation of Sentarum Langurs

Kolaborasi MBKM, Mahasiswa Terlibat Riset Bioekologi dan Konservasi Lutung Sentarum

The Faculty of Forestry and Environment of IPB University organized a National Workshop on Bioecological Research and Conservation of Sentarum Langurs, 18/9. This workshop was held based on the results of the research collaboration conducted by Fahutan IPB University with the Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Park Center and Tanjungpura University for two years.

Dr Naresworo Nugroho, Dean of the Faculty of Forestry and Environment of IPB University expressed his gratitude for the support given by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. He said this event is one of the tridharma activities that lasts for two years carried out by multistrata students in supporting Freedom of Learning – Independence Campus (MBKM).

Dr Naresworo said that through this research, the existence of langurs has been known from research on the genetic side, behavioural population, distribution, food type activities, cohabitation of various habitats, interactions with the community, and potential disturbances.

“The community in general around the location has supported conservation, but awareness needs to be increased, so this study needs socialization efforts,” he added.

By considering the scope of research that is still in the Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum national parks, the ecological information data is expected to be useful in supporting the rescue of wildlife.

“We hope the results of this research can be useful, especially in adding a new icon to the Kapuas Hulu region, West Kalimantan. Hopefully, the research results can be an entry point for conservation efforts of the Sentarum langur with a wider regional landscape and can become an action plan that can cover the entire population,” said Dr Naresworo Nugroho, IPB University lecturer.

The Director of the Sentarum Langur Bioecology and Conservation Research Program, Dr Nyoto Santoso, explained that 65 percent of the langur groups are found scattered within the national park area and the rest are found in habitats around the national park.

The Chairman of the Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Park, Itu Wahyu Rudianto, said that the Sentarum langur is not yet included in its management mandate. He said that currently, his office has the mandate to manage priority protected animals such as orangutans, proboscis monkeys, hornbills, Arowana, and several other species.

“So the research conducted by IPB University is very useful in determining the Sentarum langur into an additional mandate for priority species management,” he said.

Prof Satyawan Pudyatmoko, Director General of Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation (KSDAE), expressed his appreciation for the initiative of IPB University and the Betung Kerihun and Danau Sentarum National Park Center to research the Bioecology and Conservation of Sentarum langurs. This can be a consideration for future policies and become the basis for follow-up conservation efforts.

He mentioned that the analysis of langur species can be used as material for the preparation of action plan strategies in efforts to improve conservation areas. In addition, he conveyed the importance of IPB University working together to build capacity for universities in Lake Sentarum to conduct joint research, so that there will be a sense of belonging in the local area. (IAAS/TNY)