IPB University’s BEM FEM Converts Scrap Fabric Waste into 5 Products

IPB University’s BEM FEM Converts Scrap Fabric Waste into 5 Products

PPK Ormawa BEM FEM IPB University Olah Limbah Kain Perca Jadi 5 Produk Ini
Student Insight EN

Students from IPB University’s Faculty of Economics and Management (BEM FEM) Executive Board carried out a socialization program called Cerdas Olah Limbah Kain Perca (Cercah). This program is one of the efforts to promote the Smart Village initiative, implemented in Cihideung Ilir Village, Bogor Regency, West Java through the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa).

“Cercah is a training activity for the empowerment of family welfare mothers (PKK), focusing on the process of recycling scrap fabric waste into products with practical value. The mothers will practice sewing as a non-formal learning indicator until the establishment of Cihil Home Industry through the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for Village No. 8,” explained Erika Novita Fajrin, the program coordinator.

Delia Putri R, another representative from IPB University, stated that the Cercah program is motivated by the abundance of inorganic waste that is difficult to decompose, one of which is scrap fabric. “Therefore, we initiated a reuse movement that is expected to serve as a solution to reduce environmental pollution caused by inorganic waste,” she added.

She further mentioned that the PKK mothers would be divided into five different groups. In the future, the Cercah program will yield five products from the utilization of scrap fabric. These products include pillows, prayer rugs (sajadah), pouches, totebags, and foot mats.

One of the village residents, Rosidah, expressed her enjoyment of the training. She mentioned that with the Cercah program, the sewing skills of the mothers could be showcased once again.

“I am very happy, Neng. Because when making items from scrap fabric, it reminds me of my arts and crafts assignments back in school,” Rosidah said to the IPB University students during the training. (*/ Rz) (IAAS/DSR)