IPB University Students Instill Children’s Sensitivity to Landslide Risk with Functional Teaching Media

IPB University Students Instill Children’s Sensitivity to Landslide Risk with Functional Teaching Media

Mahasiswa IPB University Tanamkan Kepekaan Anak-Anak terhadap Risiko Longsor dengan Media Peraga Fungsional
Student Insight EN

IPB University students held a ‘Duacana’ program to build children’s awareness and sensitivity to the surrounding environment, especially related to the risk of landslides. The program was held in Sempur Village, Petir Village, Bogor Regency, West Java. Duacana is part of the Educana program initiated by IPB University students in the Student Creativity Program for Community Service (PKM-PM).

Some time ago, the PKM-PM Educana IPB University team had also held a Satucana socialization. Since the socialization last July, landslide-related education continues to be carried out to children regularly every Sunday morning. Education is carried out through various ways.

Salamah as the head of the Educana Team said that the three main topics in Educana are the process of landslides, disaster preparedness bags and landslide signs. In this program, functional teaching aids are used.

“By making a direct simulation using soil media, children can see the process of landslides directly so that an understanding of the importance of loving the environment can be embedded in the hearts and minds of children,” Salamah explained.

Another education provided is disaster preparedness bags. Through the disaster preparedness bag, the children will directly search the disaster bag made and see the contents inside, such as snacks, drinking water, change of clothes, flashlights and so on.

“Disaster preparedness bag education can help children to better understand the contents of disaster bags. They also know how disaster preparedness bags should be prepared,” she continued.

At the end of the Duacana program, children are given an outdoor education session by going around their village. This session is devoted to introducing children that the disaster signs that have been delivered also exist in their original form and have also been installed at appropriate and crucial points.

“After this, the PKM PM IPB University team will prepare the third and final stage of the Educana program, namely Tigacana and campaign. Complete information about our activities will always be updated through the Instagram account @educana.id,” Salamah explained. (Adi/Rz) (ASB/IAAS)