IPB University Lecturers Serve: Collaborative Synergy with SUPM and UPS Tegal

IPB University Lecturers Serve: Collaborative Synergy with SUPM and UPS Tegal

Dosen IPB University Mengabdi: Lakukan Sinergitas Kolaboratif dengan SUPM dan UPS Tegal

The Department of Aquatic Resource Management (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science (FPIK) IPB University conducted a Lecturer Mengabdi program at the State Secondary Fisheries Business School (SUPM)/Politeknik Ahli Usaha Perikanan (AUP) and Universitas Panca Sakti (UPS) Tegal, some time ago.

The two services are respectively entitled ‘Sustainable Capture Fisheries’ and ‘Socialization of Superior Accreditation of Universities and Study Programs’. Some of the IPB University PSP Lecturers involved were Prof Mohammad Imron, Prof Mulyono, Prof Budy Wiryawan, Prof Gondo Puspito, Prof Domu Simbolon, Prof Ari Purbayanto and Dr Sugeng Hari Wisudo.

Prof Mohammad Imron, Professor of FPIK IPB University revealed, “The background of the Lecturer Mengabdi program in the two institutions is in order to fulfill the obligations of the tri dharma of higher education, the dissemination of science, technology and art (ipteks) and the teaching and learning process (PBM) in universities (PT). In addition, this activity aims to provide guidance and collaboration.”

The first activity was carried out at SUPM Tegal, which is preparing to change its institution from a high school level Fisheries Business High School to the Tegal Marine and Fisheries Polytechnic (KP). There were two materials presented at the public lecture at SUPM Tegal, including work safety at sea, natural resource economics, and the welfare of fishing communities in Indonesia.

The first material was intended to provide an overview to the cadets / residents and other participants who attended about how important it is to pay attention to safety when working on the ship. The second material contains the delivery of an overview of the importance of managing fisheries resources so that they are maintained and sustainable.

“The output of this lecturer service activity is an increased awareness of the need to pay attention to occupational safety and health aspects, increased insight into the fisheries management approach, and increased understanding of university accreditation so that it can accelerate its preparation,” Prof Imron said.

The implementation of the second activity was located at UPS Tegal, which is in the process of increasing accreditation to become a superior university by increasing the number of study programs (prodi). This activity was supported by two core materials, namely, ‘Strategy towards superior accreditation of universities and study programs’ and ‘Measured fishing policy (PIT)’.

Prof Imron conveyed the hope of this activity, namely the continuation of good cooperation in order to foster student learning outcomes along with the plan to increase the status of SUPM to polytechnic and as a discussion partner for achieving accreditation targets. “In the future, it is also hoped that cooperation and collaboration activities like this can be developed to other universities in Tegal,” he hoped. (SMH/Rz) (IAAS/Hap)