IPB University Lecturer Responds to Bogor’s Worsening Air Condition Issue

IPB University Lecturer Responds to Bogor’s Worsening Air Condition Issue

Dosen IPB University Tanggapi Isu Kondisi Udara Bogor yang Memburuk

Dr Rini Hidayati, a biometeorologist from IPB University highlighted the worsening air pollution in Bogor. She said that proper traffic management is one of the keys to reducing air pollution sources in Bogor. She also mentioned that Indonesia’s dry season also causes air pollution to increase because the washing process by rain is lacking. Meanwhile, the amount of pollutants continues to grow, resulting in Bogor’s air quality deteriorating even though the condition is not the worst in Indonesia.

“Leaching by rain is not significant because rainfall is low, while the source of pollutants remains. In Bogor City, the biggest source comes from fossil fuel vehicle traffic,” said Dr Rini Hidayati, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Geophysics and Meteorology.

She said that Biskita vehicles, which are intended to replace angkot, are not yet significant in number. On the other hand, Bogor’s traffic conditions are more chaotic than a few years ago.

“There needs to be a more appropriate traffic arrangement so that vehicles do not accumulate in one location which causes congestion that can increase pollutants in the air, for example by re-implementing the number of angkots circulating alternately day or night, car free day, and efforts to improve driver discipline,” he said.

The IPB University lecturer explained that during the pandemic there was no dry season because it coincided with the La Nina period. Currently, the dry season is exacerbated by the El Nino event, resulting in a dry season compared to normal conditions. Not only that, the afternoon sea breeze from the west and north coast of Jakarta will pass through Cibinong, Citeureup, Gunung Putri, and surrounding areas to the mountain range surrounding the city of Bogor. This may bring pollutants to Bogor city and regency.

Based on his observations, in August 2023, high concentrations of particulate matter were recorded, especially PM2.5 which is very often in unhealthy conditions for sensitive people. PM2.5 can penetrate the respiratory system into the lungs. This condition increases the potential for an increase in cases of pneumonia and respiratory tract infections (ISPA), especially in toddlers and the elderly.

In the case of high air humidity, Dr Rini said, this pollutant can act as a hygroscopic nucleus in cloud formation, increasing the potential for rain. But currently the air humidity is not high enough to form potential clouds. Meanwhile, the source of pollutants continues to exist, so currently the particles remain in the air as pollutants even though the rain that falls is not enough to wash the pollutants. The results of air measurements at IPB Baranangsiang show that after the rain, the concentration of pollutants, especially PM2.5, still increases again.

She explained that other causes of pollution are factory waste and garbage burning, which are also sources of pollutants in the air. According to her, disposing of waste or burning garbage at night will cause pollutants to concentrate around the waste disposal. If waste disposal is done during the day, pollutants will be diluted upwards and spread over a wider area.

“It would be better if waste is treated first, for example burning waste in incinerators and filtering factory exhaust fumes before being discharged into the air,” said Dr Rini, a researcher at IPB University’s Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM).

Based on observations by IPB University’s Centre for Climate Risk and Opportunity Management (CCROM), the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has also exceeded 400ppm. In addition to the deteriorating air quality, the quality of the atmosphere that affects the climate also needs to be watched so that the climate remains friendly to human life.

“Currently, we, especially in the southern part of Indonesia where the climate is influenced by El Nino, must remain vigilant so that the climate remains friendly to human life affected by El Nino, must remain vigilant because the dry season is still quite long, maybe in November the new rains will be enough to improve air quality,” said Dr Rini. (mw/ra) (IAAS/RUM)