IPB University Lecturer: Booster of Animal Protein FADs and Multilevel Credit Traps Increase Fishermen’s Catch Productivity  

IPB University Lecturer: Booster of Animal Protein FADs and Multilevel Credit Traps Increase Fishermen’s Catch Productivity  

Dosen IPB University: Booster Rumpon Protein Hewani dan Perangkap Krendet Bertingkat Tingkatkan Produktivitas Tangkapan Nelayan

Department of Fisheries Resource Utilization (PSP), Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK) IPB University carried out socialization of animal protein FAD booster technology innovations as an effective tool for attracting and collecting fish in the Payang (boat seine) fishery.

Socialization was carried out to fishermen who are members of the Harapan Kita Bina Nusantara Joint Business Group (KUB) in Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. In this activity, it was also conveyed regarding the use of multilevel krendet traps for the use of lobsters and crabs.

“We are always ready to synergize with capture fishermen in Palabuhanratu to provide access to information on the development of science and technology (science and technology) that has been produced by the campus. “This socialization is also to disseminate technological innovations resulting from research to fishing communities to increase their fish catches and income,” said Chairman of the Fisheries Resource Utilizatition (PSP) Department IPB University, Prof Eko Sri Wiyono.

This community service activity involved a number of lecturers from the PSP Department of IPB University including Dr Zulkarnain, Dr Ronny I Wahju, Dr Fis Purwangka, Dr Darmawan, Dr Mokhammad Dahri Iskandar, Dr Didin Komarudin, Dwi Putra Yuwandana, MSi, Dr Mustaruddin, Prof Eko Sri Wiyono , Prof Domu Simbolon and Thomas Nugroho, MSi.

Dr Zulkarnain explained that the innovation in animal protein FAD booster technology is a fishing aid (ABPI) to attract and collect fish, thereby facilitating the catching process by the fishing equipment used by fishermen. Animal protein FAD booster can be used for various fishing gear (fishing gear specific) which will be adapted to the technical aspects of fishing gear construction and how to operate it.

“Animal protein FAD boosters are the result of previous research developments and we have disseminated them to floating bagan and hand line fishermen in Palabuhanratu Village. The percentage increase in fish production is 165 percent and 58 percent, respectively,” said Dr Zulkarnain.

Furthermore, he said the animal protein FAD booster had the same chance of success in increasing fish catches on payang boats in Palabuhanratu. The gathering of small fish close to the surface of the water will bring up groups of other medium and large fish to prey on these small fish. “The appearance of fish on the surface of the water is a very big opportunity for the payang boats to catch fish,” he said.

On the same occasion, it was also explained about the technological innovation of a lobster and crab catching tool called the multilevel krendet trap. Multi-level krendet traps are a development of the design and construction of traditional krendet which are still operated by fishermen.

“The advantage of the multilevel krendet trap is that it has a large enough fishing area because lobsters or crabs can be caught in the lower and upper part of the trap construction. Based on the research results, the number of catches in the lower and upper construction traps reached 191 individuals (68.2 percent) and 89 individuals (31.8 percent),” explained Dr Zulkarnain.

Another advantage, he continued, is that lobsters and crabs caught in multilevel krendet traps are protected from predators. This fishing gear can be used as an additional fishing gear for small-scale fishermen as a multigear pattern, where multilevel traps are operated together with the main fishing gear from each fishing boat that is operated. (*/Rz) (IAAS/Res)