IPB University Inaugurates the Academic Senate Room and Sobatani

IPB University Inaugurates the Academic Senate Room and Sobatani

IPB University Resmikan Ruang Senat Akademik dan Sobatani

IPB University inaugurated the Academic Senate Room and Sobatani Agribusiness and Technology Park (ATP), 17/9. The inauguration was carried out in collaboration with Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI). The inauguration was held in the Academic Senate Room and Agribusiness and Technology Park.

In his remarks, the Rector of IPB University, Prof Arif Satria expressed his gratitude to BNI Bank and BNI Deputy Director Adi Sulistyowati who always supports IPB University.

“In 2019, Mrs. Susi inaugurated the Student Service Center which is now an Integrated Service Center, which for three years in a row has become the best integrated service centre in Indonesia and this cannot be separated from the support of Bank BNI,” he said.

He revealed that ATP IPB University has prepared a place to sell fresh fruit and vegetable products, namely Sobahani, and some of the facilities are also supported by Bank BNI.

“Hopefully this collaboration can be expanded not only in the financial sector but also in community development, especially farmers,” he added.

The Director of Bank BNI who was represented by Adi Sulistyowati, as Vice Director of BNI, expressed his gratitude because until now IPB University has always trusted Bank BNI.

“Hopefully the inauguration of the Academic Senate room will provide blessings and grace for IPB University and it is hoped that this collaboration can be further improved,” said the Vice Director of BNI.

Susi continued, BNI was given a mandate by the President to establish business matching with Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). He said, from a technical perspective, assistance to MSMEs can be carried out by IPB University, but financially, the role of the matching business lies with the bank.

“As one of the state banks, apart from being tasked with encouraging the economy, we are also tasked with being an agent in encouraging the growth of MSMEs, and this is something we must optimise,” she said.

She also expressed his admiration and pride for IPB University because it has a long storyline and was able to present the President in the series of IPB University 60th Anniversary events.

“This is an achievement in how IPB University has contributed to the country and we are ready to support IPB University’s future programs,” she concluded. (Lp) (IAAS/AMR).