IPB University Graduate School Welcomes New Students, LPDP Scholarship Recipients for 2023

IPB University Graduate School Welcomes New Students, LPDP Scholarship Recipients for 2023

Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Sambut Mahasiswa Baru Penerima Beasiswa LPDP Tahun 2023

The Education Fund Management Agency (LPDP) Awardees at the Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University organized the “Welcoming Awardee 2023” event with the theme ‘Know Yourself, Prepare Your Steps Towards The Future’ at the Andi Hakim Nasution Auditorium, IPB Dramaga Campus. Welcoming Awardee 2023 serves as a welcome event for new LPDP scholarship recipients at SPs IPB University.

Prof Agus Buono, Vice Dean of SPs IPB University for Academic and Student Affairs, conveyed in his speech that LPDP scholarship recipients are high-quality students, having passed through a rigorous selection process. SPs IPB University is the right choice for students to pursue both master’s and doctoral programs.

“We hope that all LPDP awardees can complete their studies on time as per the specified timelines, both set by LPDP and SPs IPB University,” he stated to the 200 LPDP awardees present at SPs IPB University.

Present at this event was Gendro Hartono, SE, MM, Chairman of the LPDP Scholarship Services Division, who advised the new LPDP awardees for 2023 to adapt to the academic environment at SPs IPB University, fulfill their responsibilities as students and awardees. This is crucial to ensure that students graduate on time and can contribute to the country after completing their studies.

“The cumulative number of LPDP scholarship recipients at IPB University from 2012 to 2023 is recorded as 1,371 individuals. Currently, there are 511 students undergoing the study process,” he concluded.

IPB University Professor Anuraga Jayanegara, as a guest speaker, provided time management tips to the new LPDP awardees. He also shared various strategies for meeting publication targets for both master’s and doctoral students at SPs IPB University.

“Students need to plan their careers after completing their studies. Additionally, if you want to graduate on time, practice time management and planning from the beginning of your studies,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Leonardo Henry Gavaza, General Chairman of Mata Garuda and an LPDP scholarship recipient at New York University, emphasized the importance of preparing for the future after completing studies.

“One of the best ways to prepare for the future is to excel in what is in front of us right now. We also need to be anticipatory, predicting our inclinations and interests after graduation and preparing for them starting now,” he said.

The event concluded with a celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the LPDP Awardee Village. According to Gunawan, SE, Coordinator of LPDP Awardees at SPs IPB University 10.0, 10 years is not a short journey for the Awardee Village. To date, many contributions have been made, especially in terms of serving awardees and impactful programs.

“Thank you to all the awardees, alumni, and everyone who has contributed significantly to the progress of the LPDP Awardee Village at SPs IPB University. May the LPDP Awardee Village continue to provide even broader benefits in the future,” he concluded. (HBL) (IAAS/RUM)