IPB University Graduate School Summer Course Participants Learn about Organic Farm System

IPB University Graduate School Summer Course Participants Learn about Organic Farm System

Peserta Summer Course Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB University Belajar Organic Farm System

The Graduate School (SPs) of IPB University invites participant of the ‘Summer Course 2023’ to visit Agatho Farm, an organic farm located in Bogor. This summer course aims to provide participants with experiences and information related to agriculture in their respective home countries. Not only from an economic perspective but also taking into account the environment and the surrounding community.

The summer course participants are not only limited to students from IPB University, but also from other universities. These include several universities in Japan, including Ibaraki University, University of The Ryukyus, and Hokkaido University. Additionally, the summer course is also attended by participants from universities in the Philippines, including Mindanao State University, Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology, Kalinga State University, University of Southern Mindanao, Tarlac Agricultural University, Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan, Visayas State University, and Nueva Vizcaya State University.

Dr Liyantono, the program coordinator, mentioned that this activity can sharpen the critical thinking of the participants regarding agriculture, especially in tropical climates. “The hope of this visit is to encourage critical thinking. For example, the increase in population in developing countries and the decrease in population in developed countries can illustrate that solely focusing on economics does not lead to sustainability. It is necessary to consider the environment and society so that they can coexist for sustainability,” he said.

Meanwhile, Apri Larastio, an Agatho Farm representative, explained that since 1984, they have been developing organic farming in Bogor. Three years later, Agatho Farm’s land became fully organic, and their activities have since focused on the development of organic farming.

“At Agatho Farm, we don’t just focus on developing agriculture and livestock, we also provide training as well as internships. We express our gratitude to SPs IPB University, as the visit by the summer course participants can help promote Agatho Farm to a wider audience,” he explained.

He added that in principle, organic farming, especially for organic vegetables, follows the regulations specific to each country. This is also based on trust systems, one of which involves organic certification bodies. “Having such certification instills confidence in consumers, especially for organic food products,” he added.

After receiving an introduction to organic farming at Agatho Farm, the participants were divided into five groups, each accompanied by experienced guides in the field of organic farming. The participants were taken on a tour to observe the composting process, seedling cultivation, cultivation practices in the field, and also visited the animal farm area at Agatho Farm owned by the Bina Sarana Bakti Foundation. (HBL/Rz) (IAAS/ZRT)