IPB University Engineer Professional Program Holds Public Lecture to Fill in Application Forms

IPB University Engineer Professional Program Holds Public Lecture to Fill in Application Forms

Program Profesi Insinyur IPB University Gelar Kuliah Umum Pengisian Formulir Aplikasi

IPB University Postgraduate School’s Professional Engineering Program (PPI) held another public lecture regarding filling out the engineer application form (FAIR), 26/8. The public lecture presented speakers Prof Titi Candra Sunarti and Dr Chusnul Arif from IPB University.

Prof Muhammad Romli, chairman of the PPI IPB University Study Program said that filling out FAIR is a mandatory assessment for students’ Recognition of Past Learning (RPL) program. “We hope that this public lecture can provide information about the importance of filling in FAIR as a requirement for attending professional seminars,” he said.

Deasy Kartika Rahayu Kuncoro, ST, MT moderator and Secretary of the PPI Study Program said, with this public lecture we can listen directly and also discuss regarding filling in FAIR for RPL program students.

According to her, PPI is a higher education program after the undergraduate program to form engineering competencies which is organized by universities in collaboration with related ministries and industry. “The professional title of engineer is awarded by universities in collaboration with the relevant ministries and this engineering program can be pursued through regular mechanisms and recognition of past learning or RPL,” she continued.

In her lecture, Prof Titi Candra Sunarti explained that the basic competencies that serve as a reference for measuring the overall balance needed by a professional include knowledge, abilities, skills, wisdom, experience and work attitudes,

“The conversion of the FAIR score is used to determine the type of RPL course for students,” he said.

The score provisions in question are if a score of more than 500 fulfills the full RPL course, a score of 450-500 fulfills the partial RPL pathway and requires studying at least 1 course, a score of 400-450 fulfills the partial RPL pathway and requires studying at least 2 courses, and if the score is less than 400 then it does not meet the RPL path but must take the regular route,” he explained.

Meanwhile, Dr Chusnul Arif said that professional seminar lectures are an understanding and practice related to seminar, workshop and discussion activities to convey and discuss ideas, opinions and results to other parties. “From this professional seminar lecture, it is not the substance that is important but the seminar process that will be assessed,” he said.

He added that the achievement of this learning is being able to understand the frame of reference
work as a speaker at seminars, workshops or discussions, then be able to compose
and present material systematically according to the allocated time. “Other learning outcomes are expected to be able to carry out effective discussions and communication in professional seminars,” he added. (HBL/ra) (IAAS/Res)