IPB University Civil and Environmental Engineering Lecturer Implements Non-powered Automatic Fertigation Technology with Industrial Partners

IPB University Civil and Environmental Engineering Lecturer Implements Non-powered Automatic Fertigation Technology with Industrial Partners

Dosen Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan IPB University Terapkan Teknologi Fertigator Otomatis Nirdaya dengan Mitra Industri

Another innovation by the IPB University lecturer team from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology: Non-powered Automatic Fertigation (FONi). This innovation has been applied to the agrotourism industry in Malino, South Sulawesi.

Early last September, a team of IPB University lecturers chaired by Dr Chusnul Arif installed and tested FONi in an agrotourism area managed by PT Malino Highland. This activity is an implementation of the Kedaireka 2023 Matching Fund program in collaboration with the business world of industry (DUDI), in this case PT Malino Highland.

“FONi is the answer for the agricultural industry which focuses on horti-floriculture cultivation. “FONi has several advantages, including efficiency in the use of water and nutrients and without the need for electrical power,” said Dr Chusnul Arif, team leader.

FONi technology was initiated by Prof Budi Indra Setiawan, a senior lecturer at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, IPB University and the patent has been registered. “FONi provides a solution to ensure the availability of irrigation water and its efficient use, reduce electrical power usage and increase labor productivity by minimizing operator involvement,” explained Prof Budi.

Director of PT Malino Highland, Deny Ade Putra hopes that IPB University’s innovation can increase productivity and be implemented on a larger scale. In this way, FONi can be used as an agricultural technology education center for visitors to Malino Highland.

In its implementation, IPB University also collaborates with a number of other universities, namely Sriwijaya University, represented by Dr Riani Muharromah from the Civil Engineering Study Program (Prodi) and Dr Suhardi from the Agricultural Engineering Study Program, Hasanuddin University. This program also involves IPB University and Hasanudin University students in the Freedom of Learning-Independence Campus (MBKM) program.

“Hopefully this activity will be successful and increase benefits for industrial partners, as well as for universities to support the achievement of key performance indicators (IKU),” said Dr Chusnul. (CHA/Rz) (IAAS/MFR)