Introduce Financial Digitalization: PPK Ormawa REESA IPB Collaborates with Warung Book Application

Introduce Financial Digitalization: PPK Ormawa REESA IPB Collaborates with Warung Book Application

Kenalkan Digitalisasi Keuangan: PPK Ormawa REESA IPB Gandeng Aplikasi Buku Warung
Student Insight EN

The Resource and Environmental Economics Student Association (REESA) IPB University’s Capacity Building Program (PPKO) team held a financial administration training for residents and businesses in Cibanteng Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency. This training is in collaboration with the Buku Warung application.

Suherlan, IPB University student and team leader, explained that the series of activities were complemented by material delivery, discussion, and hands-on practice. “By holding this training, we hope that business actors in Cibanteng Village can improve their understanding of finance and digital skills,” said Suherlan.

With this capability, he said, people will be able to manage their businesses more regularly and efficiently. In addition, they can also take advantage of additional benefits offered by Buku Warung, such as additional business capital and online transaction services, as well as other benefits.

Dr Meti Ekayani, as the accompanying lecturer, said that the utilization of financial recording applications such as Buku Warung is important. By utilizing the application, it is expected that business actors can manage business and household finances properly.

“Financial recording is important so that finances are not mixed up with each other,” said Dr Meti Ekayani, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Resource and Environmental Economics.

Zainal Rizal, as Senior Head of Buku Warung, delivered material related to financial administration management. “Now we are more afraid of missing a cellphone than missing a wallet. For this reason, digitalization in this era has great potential because it makes it very easy for the community,” he explained.

Village government representative Sakim said in his speech, “Actually, there are many business actors in Cibanteng Village, but they still lack literacy related to financial records. So hopefully, this activity can develop businesses in Cibanteng Village,” said Sakim, Secretary of Cibanteng Village. (IAAS/MZS)