In Musrenbang, Rector Prepares IPB University to Become a Global Player

In the Development Planning Conference (Musrenbang) of IPB University in 2023, the Rector has prepared a picture of IPB University until 2028. In the event held at the IPB International Convention Center (IICC), Bogor (19/9), IPB University Rector Prof Arif Satria explained his ideas related to IPB University milestones in 2023-2028.
Rector of IPB University Prof Arif Satria said, there are three keywords for the development planning of IPB University in 2023-2024: resilient, transformative and sustainability.
Resilient includes strengthening human resources (HR) by facilitating lecturers and education personnel (tendik) to follow competency certification. Laboratory equipment will also be updated. Starting in 2023, IPB University also applies work life balance and healthy lifestyle. Improving the welfare of lecturers and staff and technology based on the internet of things (IoT) will also continue to be pursued.
“Referring to the word transformative, in 2023-2024, IPB University has prepared 17,000 accounts for microcredential learning for students. Graduates of undergraduate programs are now required to follow and have international accreditation,” said Rector at the opening of the event.
In addition, IPB University also prepares education with international quality, expanding networks through international consortia, agency research grants and collaborative research. The quality of international publications of multistrata students, journal quality, APC publication assistance is also improved. “There will also be intensive citation assistance and efforts to develop the agromaritime community,” he added.
Regarding sustainability, Rector said that currently IPB University has been able to manage waste independently. In fact, next year Prof Arif is determined that pedestrians in the campus environment use paving blocks recycled waste owned by IPB University. In addition, in supporting environmentally friendly transportation, IPB University has also collaborated with PT Beam Mobility, providing a number of electric bicycles to facilitate community mobility.
“In 2025 with the big idea of ‘Innopreneurship and Value Creation for Community and Industry’, IPB University innovations are expected to have an impact on society through downstream commercialization by industry. As many as 35 percent of IPB University innovations that have been commercialized are currently the best in Indonesia and will continue to be improved,” he said.
For 2026, continued the Rector, the keyword that must be strengthened is global engagement. He considered it important for students, lecturers and alumni to have a wide network at the global level. For example, internship activities are no longer in local companies but companies that have gone global. In addition, the real work lecture (KKN) program for students can collaborate with countries in Asean, so that they can build friendships and form networks.
“IPB University also plans to provide scholarships for 3rd world countries. This will be an investment in the future. One example of IPB University alumni from Cambodia, is now a deputy minister in his country. Thus, cooperation will be formed with a wide, strong network and high commitment, so as to have a global impact, “said Prof Arif.
As for 2027, IPB University will take a pioneering role at the Asian and global levels in the development of innopreneurship. While in 2028, Prof Arif is optimistic about bringing IPB University to become a sustainable international scale university for the achievement of global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). (dh/Rz) (IAAS/SHY)