IKA Faperta IPB University Provides Business Skills for Students through Agripreneurship Workshop

The Alumni Family Association of the Faculty of Agriculture (IKA Faperta) IPB University held an Agripreneurship Workshop aimed at final year students and fresh graduates. The activity took place in the IKA Lounge Faperta Room, IPB Dramaga Campus.
In addition to getting inspiration from experienced and professional figures of Faperta IPB University alumni, participants in this programme will also create a field project that is carried out at the Sadifa Farm IPB Experimental Garden for four months. They will also get mentorship or direct assistance periodically.
“Through this Agripreneurship programme, IKA Faperta is expected to collaborate all the potential of final year students and fresh graduates by providing learning through training and mentoring activities from upstream to downstream cultivation so as to develop a sustainable business unit,” said Chairman of IKA Faperta IPB University, Octen Suhadi.
According to Octen, the Agripreneurship programme is expected to foster the business spirit and professionalism of Faperta IPB University alumni and shorten the waiting time for graduates to enter the world of work and business.
The Agency Chief of the Agripreneurship programme, Sherly Eka Maulidiya, explained that the IKA Faperta Internal Agripreneurship Workshop consisted of five sessions filled by five best alumni figures as resource persons. “It is hoped that through workshops with alumni, students can gain new insights and experiences and be more motivated to develop business, especially in agriculture,” said Sherly.
In the first session, Delonix Regia as Branch Manager of STIFIn Genetic (Faperta 51 Alumni) presented the topic ‘Leadership in Digital Era’. Delon said that a leader must have 3M, namely determining direction, motivating the team and aligning a goal.
Furthermore, the second session of the workshop was about ‘Digital Sociopreneurship’ by Ganjar Putra Panggalih as Co-Founder of Kopi Nu Sae (Faperta Alumni 39). According to Ganjar, the digital era can support business development based on agricultural products with the 4P strategy, namely product, price, place and promotion.
The third session of the workshop was titled ‘Social Media Marketing’ by Mohammad Akbar as Public Relations Specialist at Nexus Risk Mitigations and Strategic Communications (Faperta Alumni 33). Akbar explained the steps to build a brand in the digital era by utilising social media platforms.
“There are eight important things that must be considered to build a social media, namely, research first, set the objectives, create personalities, formulate the content pillar, tap in trends, optimise the future, presence as humans and evaluate,” he explained.
Furthermore, the fourth session of the workshop was about ‘Business Collaboration’ by Mayrianti Annisa Anwar (Faperta Alumni 34) as the National Cooperation Coordinator at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). She stated, “Business collaboration is important because it can increase innovation through the combination of ideas and knowledge, reduce costs and risks, gain access to new resources. Collaboration can also expand markets and improve operational efficiency.”
Finally, the fifth session of the workshop entitled ‘Building Business Innovation’ was presented by Deni Nurhadiansyah as Founder and Director of CV Sari Bumi Nusantara and Founder of CV Agro Cemerlang Mandiri (Faperta 40 Alumni). In this case, Deni shared experiences about the journey of building a business as well as challenges and efforts to overcome them. In addition, he also explained the opportunity to build business innovation in the village by utilising the potential of local superior products. (*/Rz) (IAAS/RUM)