Generasi Hijau Berkarya: Youth Leading Change for Climate and Clean Air

Generasi Hijau Berkarya: Youth Leading Change for Climate and Clean Air

Generasi Hijau Berkarya: Pemuda Memimpin Perubahan untuk Iklim dan Udara Bersih

IPB University’s Agrometeorology Student Association (Himagreto) and Komunitas Bicara Udara invited the younger generation to care more about climate and clean air through a talk show, 17/9. This talk show is a forum for Indonesian youth to voice their concerns about the increasingly rampant air pollution.

Dr Puji Rianti, IPB University lecturer from the Department of Biology and member of Climate Reality Project Indonesia, described the real impacts of climate change that have occurred in Indonesia and how this is related to air pollution. She emphasized that youth have the power to influence policy and behavioral changes needed to protect the environment.

“Through campaigns, education and advocacy, youth can be effective agents of change in addressing this issue,” said Dr Puji Rianti.

Meanwhile, Rizky Mulyana, a researcher and innovator at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), discussed various research and innovations conducted by BRIN to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality. He highlighted the importance of green technology and innovative solutions to deal with these issues. In addition, he also spoke about the important role of youth in implementing positive change and creating sustainable solutions.

The participants of this talk show consisted of youth from various communities and organizations engaged in environmental awareness, including representatives from the Agrometeorology Student Association, Climate Reality Project Indonesia, ATAS Indonesia, Kwartir Cabang Kota Bogor, Kwartir Cabang Kabupaten Bogor, IGAF, and SRE IPB. The participants listened with enthusiasm to these great speakers and asked about concrete steps that can be taken to tackle air pollution. (IAAS/NVA)