Fauna Conservation Union Investigates Kapatcol Biodiversity, Raja Ampat

Fauna Conservation Union Investigates Kapatcol Biodiversity, Raja Ampat

Uni Konservasi Fauna Menelisik Biodiversitas Kapatcol, Raja Ampat

The Fauna Conservation Union (UKF) conducted a biodiversity survey in Kapatcol Village, Misool Island Nature Reserve, Raja Ampat. The activity took place from July 27 to August 19. This Suralaya Landscape Expedition aims to find out the diversity of flora and fauna as well as the culture of Sasi Laut.

Kevin, IPB University student and chairman organizer, said there were several agendas carried out during the expedition. These activities are biodiversity surveys, cultural learning, and contributing to education.

“This activity is a valuable experience for us, because we can see firsthand the condition of biodiversity, culture, and we are also trying to contribute to the development of education in the land of Papua, especially in Kampung Kapatcol,” said Kevin, Chief Executive of the Suralaya Bentang Expedition.

Meanwhile, Fauzia Haini, an IPB University student and one of the expeditors, explained that this activity consisted of a biodiversity survey in the form of observing animals and analyzing vegetation, conservation education in elementary schools, and studying marine sasi. She continued, that animal observations were carried out on mammal taxa, herpetofauna and birds.

“Observations were carried out by dividing the observation locations into two, namely forests and settlements. Each location consists of two observation transect lines. Each transect represents a different type of vegetation, for example in the forest, the transect represents lowland and riparian forest,” she explained.

Fauzia said that the next series of activities was conservation education at SDN 20 Kampung Kapatcol. Conservation education activities are packaged as attractively as possible to produce a fun learning process.

“Conservation education at this school is carried out for two days. The students are introduced to the animal ecosystem around them with learning methods, such as drama, direct observation, drawing and writing,” explained Fauzia.

The IPB University student explained, that students are expected to know that the location where they live is a conservation area that must be protected together.

From a cultural point of view, said Fauzia, the Kapatcol people have a tradition that applies the principles of sustainability in environmental management, namely sea sasi. This tradition is a control so that people are able to utilize the potential of the sea without carrying out large-scale exploitation. This activity is jointly managed by the indigenous community and the church and has been carried out from generation to generation until now. (*/ra) (IAAS/MFR)