FALP 2023 Recruits Future Leaders, The Top 15 Participants Enter IPB University Without a Test

FALP 2023 Recruits Future Leaders, The Top 15 Participants Enter IPB University Without a Test

FALP 2023 Jaring Pemimpin Masa Depan, 15 Peserta Terbaik Masuk IPB University Tanpa Tes

The Central Executive Board of the Alumni Association (DPP HA) in collaboration with IPB University held the Future Agile Leader Program (FALP) 2023. FALP is a leadership incubator that accommodates high school / equivalent students in Indonesia. This year FALP carries the theme “Empowering Gen-Z: Building Resilient Agile Leaders”. This programme has entered its third year since it was introduced in 2021.

“FALP is an annual programme organised by DPP HA IPB University and is one of the major projects in the Mentoring Leader programme,” said Walneg S Jas, Chairman of DPP HA IPB University.

Walneg explained that the FALP programme aims to provide comprehensive leadership mentoring to activists of daily management bodies (BPH) of organisations/extracurriculars at the high school/equivalent level throughout Indonesia. The programme will run from September to December 2023.

“FALP Forum, in addition to its intention to forge the talents and leadership skills of students, we will also introduce that IPB University is always present to help the community, especially students and students. So in every event we will introduce IPB University and its activities,” said Walneg.

According to Walneg, the FALP programme is a response to the nation’s current leadership problems. Where there are still many cases of corruption, miss-management, and events that show the quality of leadership is not good. Therefore, the next generation needs to be trained to become better leaders in the future.

“The requirements and profiles of future leaders have undergone many changes and must adapt to various new challenges due to technological disruption and industry 4.0 that we are experiencing.  IPB University alumni who have taken part as leaders in various fields of service will transmit their experience and capabilities in leading,” he said.

Walneg further said that the FLAP programme could be followed by activists of the Intra-School Student Organisation and other extracurricular organisations. This programme also serves as a medium to get to know IPB University and the innovations that have been developed. He hopes that FALP registrants this year will reach 5,000 to 6,000 people.

The highlight of FALP 2023 is the invitation of 50 best participants from all over Indonesia to take part in Leadership Camp activities. Later, 15 Best Young Leaders will be selected who are entitled to get an award in the form of a Free Pass ticket to become a student at IPB University.

“Congratulations for the start of this FALP. Later from 5,000 to 6,000 registrants will be filtered administratively until 50 people are selected. These 50 people will be seriously trained in the Mentoring Leader bootcamp to find 15 people who get the golden ticket to enter IPB University next year,” concluded Walneg.

Secretary General of DPP HA IPB, Sukma Kamajaya, explained that the series of FALP activities consisted of webinar series, mentoring, social programme incubator and leadership camp at IPB University. This year’s seminar series will present speakers who are alumni of IPB University.

“Intensive and exclusive coaching to the participants will be carried out on the timeline of mentoring activities with IPB University alumni. A wise and good leader is a leader who can provide benefits to others. FALP designed a social incubator programme to encourage participants who are leaders to do good and have an impact on the surrounding environment,” he explained.

Chairman of the Mentoring Leader Department, Erik Syamsul Rizal, added that the FALP Batch III committee was made up of assistant mentors and mentees of Mentoring Leader Batch V as a forum for young alumni to train their leadership. This FALP became the implementation of the tagline of Mentoring Leader IPB University, namely leaders giving birth to leaders. (MHT) (IAAS/RUM)