Faculty of Animal Science of IPB University Attracts Many Students in Jelajah IPB 2023

Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University participated in the Jelajah IPB 2023 activity which took place at Graha Widya Wisuda Building. Faculty of Animal Science (Fapet) IPB University which consists of three study programs, namely Livestock Production Technology (TPT), Nutrition and Feed Technology (NTP) and Animal Products Technology (THT) attracted the attention of exhibition visitors who mostly came from high school students.
Some students from MAN 14 Jakarta were enthusiastically listening to a presentation at the NTP booth that explained snack products for livestock. Another student from SMAN 1 Cisolok, Sukabumi Regency who also visited the NTP booth, Sofia, said, “The NTP program is cool! I am interested in animal husbandry because I saw the feed processing that farmers need for fattening and producing healthy livestock.”
Fitriani, Sofia’s colleague who also came from SMAN 1 Cisolok had a different interest. “I want to enter the TPT study program because I have been familiar with broiler poultry since I was a child. Hopefully I can be accepted at Fapet IPB University and continue my parents’ business in the livestock sector,” she hoped.
Not only students, there were also many teachers accompanying students who wanted to know more about the study programs at Fapet IPB University. Ayu, a counseling teacher from SMAN 1 Megamendung, Bogor Regency admitted that she was new to the products produced by the ENT study program in the form of yogurt with a combination of strawberry and rosela flavors that are packaged practically.
“Very surprising! There is a yogurt product that contains roselle. Incidentally, my family is a yogurt lover and the product I tasted tastes good with healthy ingredients. Hopefully the marketing can be expanded further,” she said.
Jajang Nurjaman, a counseling teacher from SMAN 1 Babakan Madang Sentul who visited the NTP booth shared experiences related to animal feed managed at his school. “Incidentally, in our school there is something called the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project (P5), one of the programs is maggot cultivation,” he explained. Jajang then explained the production process of maggot which comes from organic waste, after becoming maggot then produced again into pellets for fish and chicken.
“Initially, I thought that students involved in maggot production could continue their interest in agriculture. However, after visiting the NTP booth, I was able to inform the students at school that there is an NTP study program at Fapet IPB University that is related to this,” he concluded.
In addition to the explanation of the study program, students who visited the Fapet IPB University booth were also entertained by various knowledge quizzes and games. The winners also received prizes in the form of merchandise and interesting products from the three study programs at Fapet IPB University. (Femmy/Rz) (IAAS/NVA)