Faculty of Agriculture IPB University Holds Selaras Alam Workshop

Faculty of Agriculture (Faperta) IPB University held Selaras Alam Workshop at Sadifa Garden, Dramaga Campus, Bogor (26/8). The activity themed ‘Botanical Illustration Part I Reconciling Nature’ aimed to introduce Sadifa Garden to the public. In addition, this workshop was held to sharpen and train the skills of botanical illustration techniques using pencil/pen media to spur creative ideas.
Selaras Alam Workshop is one of a series of ongoing workshops held by PT SRI in collaboration with Faperta IPB University. Dean of Faperta IPB University, Prof Suryo Wiyono said, this workshop has two main series of activities, namely touring Taman Sadifa and demonstrating illustration drawing techniques directly guided by mentors.
“Today we learn together with fun. Living in harmony with nature requires us to realize the interconnection in this life. Hopefully the participants who attended can become brothers and together become part of the progress of the Indonesian nation and for a more advanced and profitable agriculture,” he said.
The chief organizer of Selaras Alam Workshop, Arif Japan also explained that in the future Faperta IPB University will make other workshops related to agriculture. Making fertilizers or herbal plants, for example. “So, this botanical illustration is one of the sub-activities.
“Hopefully, with this activity, friends can become more loving towards plants by channeling it through art. Hopefully, in the future, everyone can benefit from today’s activities. Enjoy today’s event,” said Arif Japan.
On the same occasion, illustrator mentor, Dr Ichsan Suwandhi invited all who attended this activity to learn together, create and connect with nature and the biological world.
“Botanical illustration is actually a visual. A visual appearance of an object, namely plants or flora, which has a very high scientific value in ancient times. Botanical illustrations are a means of identifying various types of plants on this earth,” he said.
Then, said Dr Ichsan, botanical illustrations can describe in detail the various characters that exist in plant units. In its history, this botanical science is the oldest science.
“Actually, those of us in today’s activity are not just being illustrators, but building connections with objects, especially with plants,” said Dr Ichsan. (Ns) (IAAS/MKY)