Diaspora Talk VII: IPB University HA’s Strategy to Expand Global Connections for Excellent Human Resources

Diaspora Talk VII: IPB University HA’s Strategy to Expand Global Connections for Excellent Human Resources

Diaspora Talk VII: Strategi HA IPB University Perluas Koneksi Global untuk SDM Unggul

The Alumni Association (HA) of IPB University organized Diaspora Talk VII with the theme ‘Reaching Dreams Abroad.’ This event was held as inspiration and a source of information for Diaspora Mentoring mentees, IPB University alumni and the general public who aspire to continue their studies abroad.

Expanding global connections with competitive human resources (SDM) on the international stage is one of HA IPB University’s missions. Currently, IPB University has alumni in 35 countries and has formed five international branch leadership boards (DPC).

“Dreams serve as motivation to help ourselves achieve the goal of studying abroad. Strong determination can assist us in reaching all of our aspirations,” stated the Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Central Leadership Board (DPP) of HA IPB University and Director of Alumni Relations, Drh Sukma Kamajaya, MM.

Meanwhile, Prof Iskandar Z Siregar, Vice Rector of IPB University for Global Connectivity, Cooperation, and Alumni, expressed, “IPB University strongly supports these internationalization activities to broaden the horizons of both lecturer and students.”

Priman Alfred Fau, a Stefan Banach awardee from NAWA Poland, shared his journey in pursuing dreams abroad. He introduced Stefan Banach, a new scholarship for developing countries with English language master’s programs. This scholarship does not require learning the Polish language.

“In this program, we are free to choose any university in Poland that we are interested in. The requirements are very simple: having a bachelor’s degree, not having a master’s degree yet, having a minimum B2 English language certificate, a letter of recommendation, and a passport. It’s important to understand that this scholarship is not complicated; it doesn’t ask for essays or anything else,” he explained.

In contrast, Ilham Maulidin, an alumni of Hokkaido University, urged participants not only to pursue degrees but also to bring back the experiences and knowledge gained to make a positive impact on society and the nation.

“Living independently abroad will enhance our personal skill growth and career prospects. Japan can be considered as a destination for further studies because it implements a master by research system, which means there is less coursework compared to research,” added Ilham.

“Is achieving one’s dream easy? Certainly not. We need to push ourselves by prioritizing our needs to make that dream come true. To achieve that dream, I had to exert extra effort and work harder than others,” Kartika Susilo, a PhD Candidate at Wageningen University Research, conveyed.

Kartika not only talked about her academic studies but also discussed how she built her network, overcame challenges, and found leadership within the diaspora community.

Diaspora Talk VII is not only a source of knowledge but also a bridge between dreams and reality. It is expected to be the genesis of change and pass the torch to the next generation to continue striving for their dreams and inspiring others. (SMH/Rz) (IAAS/DSR)