Children’s Festival, Closing of Edelweiss XII Activities in Galudra Village, Cianjur Regency

Children’s Festival, Closing of Edelweiss XII Activities in Galudra Village, Cianjur Regency

Festival Anak, Penutup Kegiatan Edelweis XII di Desa Galudra Kabupaten Cianjur
Student Insight EN

The Children’s Festival marked the end of IPB University ‘Edelweis XII’ student service activities at the Mahfudzul Hayatiyah Private Elementary School (SDS), Galudra Village, Cianjur, West Java. The children’s festival program initiated by the IPB Teaching team is a means of channeling the creativity, talent and courage of students.

“The Children’s Festival is an activity intended for students to show their potential and creativity, train their sportsmanship and provide entertainment activities for them through performances and competitions between classes. In addition, this festival can also increase children’s confidence to continue to progress and develop. “Apart from being happy and entertained, children will also learn through the experiences they have had,” explained Mina Nurhanifah, one of the Inspirational XII Tutors involved.

Each Inspiring Tutor guides their students to show their interests and talents on a mini stage at school. They were given a week to prepare a performance, ranging from creative dance, drama, choir, poetry reading to short fairy tales.

“The Children’s Festival is a very good and memorable event for the children at SDS Mahfudzul Hayatiyah, especially the XII Inspirational Tutors. “In my opinion, this activity makes them have high self-confidence and creativity and is able to make tutors and students closer,” said Muhammad Rafi Kurniansyah, who is also an Inspirational Tutor XII.

The closing of the Children’s Festival event was filled with the symbolic release of Inspiring Tutors XII by representatives of SDS teachers Mahfudzul Hayatiyah. A total of 12 tutors made a symbolic release by taking off their tutorr’s vests to be handed back to IPB Teaching. Releasing this vest is the end of Inspiring Tutors XII’s journey in the Edelweis XII service activities at SDS Mahfudzul Hayatiyah.

This moment became an emotional session for tutors, teachers and students. For 21 days, the IPB University students have built chemistry with the students’ children in teaching and learning activities. The tears of emotion could not be stopped, the tears represented the feelings of the tutors who actually did not want to be separated from their students. Several students took turns hugging their tutors and quite a few gave final mementos in the form of gifts or beautiful handwriting applied to a letter.

“This activity was very impressive for me, meeting tutors who had extraordinary experience, friendly teachers and innocent and innocent students. I hope that everything taught can be applied in everyday life. I’m sure this knowledge will be useful to you in the future. “We are waiting for you to become successful people,” said Krisdianto, Inspirational Tutor XII to the students of SDS Mahfudzul Hayatiyah. (IAAS/MFR)