BEM FEM IPB University Students Introduced Village SDGs and Business Managerial to the Cihideung Ilir Community

BEM FEM IPB University Students Introduced Village SDGs and Business Managerial to the Cihideung Ilir Community

Mahasiswa BEM FEM IPB University Kenalkan SDGs Desa dan Manajerial Usaha kepada Masyarakat Cihideung Ilir

IPB University students who are members of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Economics and Management (BEM FEM) held meetings with the community, especially business people in Cihideung Ilir Village, Ciampea District, Bogor Regency. This activity is part of the Smart Village program carried out by the Student Organization Capacity Strengthening Program (PPK Ormawa) BEM FEM IPB University team.

“The activity called Smart Managerial for Strengthening the Village Economy (Cempaka) focuses on managerial training to realize sustainable village economic development through the implementation of Village No. 8 sustainable development goals/SDGs. This activity is aimed at supporting the daily needs of business actors. ,” said Felisha Najla Adevia, the person in charge of the program during the activity which took place at the Cihideung Ilir Village Office Building.

She further explained, the activity began with introductions between the implementing team, volunteers, ormawa and the target group. The delivery of the material was carried out by the PPK Ormawa team and a team of village friends. The team explained good and correct managerial socialization material in managing a business. Each target group was then introduced to business managerial posters so that throughout the activity, they could continue to understand the material presented.

“Regarding the Village SDGs, the target group also received socialization material regarding business management, starting from understanding, implementing it, to the benefits of good and correct business management,” said Felisha.

During the presentation of the material, IPB University students also carried out ice breaking to re-engage the target group’s focus and enthusiasm for the material presented. After socialization and ice breaking, the implementation team opened a discussion session so that the community could better understand the material that had been presented. The discussion session took place with great enthusiasm from the target group. (*/Rz) (IAAS/YMK)