Tansana PKM Team from IPB Univeristy Provides Motivation to Disabled Students Through Smart Motivational Book

Tansana PKM Team from IPB Univeristy Provides Motivation to Disabled Students Through Smart Motivational Book

Tim PKM Tansana IPB University Beri Motivasi Siswa Disabilitas Melalui Smart Motivational Book

Through the Student Community Service Creativity Program (PKM-PM), the Tansana Team from IPB University provides education and motivation to students with disabilities at the Special School (SLB) Cahaya Quran. The educational content delivered originates from the Smart Motivational Book that has been compiled by the Tansana Team.

“The motivational sessions are a continuous program that will be progressively implemented during the PKM-PM period at SLB Cahaya Quran. This program has the aim to provide education and motivation to disabled students based on inspirational stories from Islamic figures as well as modern figures in Indonesia,” stated Silvia Zalda Putri, the Chairman of the Tansana Team.

Silvia explained that this activity highlights the urgency of motivating the importance of the presence of disabled friends to be able to develop and contribute to themselves and their surrounding environment in the future. The Smart Motivational Book contains inspirational stories, achievements, and works of inspirational figures in Indonesia, as well as an understanding of religious values related to the uniqueness granted to people with disabilities.

“In this first meeting, we delivered an introduction about the values that are the hopes of this book to our disabled friends while also encouraging their spirits to remain motivated to become individuals who are helpful to those around them,” she explained.

The activity that took place at the Aula of SLB Cahaya Quran consisted of several segments in a series, starting from praying and reciting the Quran together using Braille, as well as storytelling about the story of perseverance in seeking knowledge from a blind companion of the Prophet, Abdullah bin Ummi Maktum. In addiotion, a variety of teaching methods were employed, including the use of cards and projectors, the Smart Motivation pop-up book, watching animated videos together, as well as utilizing the digital game media Quizizz.

“Today’s Smart Motivation Book session series was very exciting because our disabled friends were also enthusiastic and eager to participate in every activity segment. They even tried their hardest to outdo each other so they could come to the front,” said Chandra, one of the volunteers from the Tansana Team.

Similarly, in the same opportunity, Adrian, as the teaching instructor at SLB Cahaya Quran, also conveyed that the enthusiasm of the students at the school is very high. Especially upon learning that the Tansana Team from IPB University would come and carry out activities together here. (IAAS/ZRT)